如何在另一个调用的函数上使用 shouldReceive?

How do I use shouldReceive on a function that was called by another?


// $value could be an array or SomeClass type
public function foo($key, $value) 
    // some code
    if ($value instanceof SomeClass) {
        $value = $this->bar($value);
    // some code

protected function bar(SomeClass $value) 
    // do stuff


    $suppliedValue = [];

    $mock = ... // create mock
        // first arg should be an int or string
        // second arg should be an array or SomeClass object

    if (typeOf($suppliedValue) === 'array') {
    } else {


但是它似乎不起作用,无论向 foo() 提供什么值,它都不会触发 bar() 上的 shouldReceive() / shouldNotReceive()


我没有找到通过模拟解决此问题的方法,但我使用了 Spy

$spy = Mockery::spy(TheClass::class)

    ->withArgs(/* args */); 

我最终创建了 2 个测试函数,而不是将 if else 用于 $suppliedValue 类型,其中另一个调用 shouldNotHaveReceived()