python 程序报错(分数背包问题)

python program give error(fraction knapsack problem)

python 的分数背包问题它在我 运行 代码时给出错误,是拆分函数不适用于整数值。

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Akshay/Desktop/python/", line 49, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1
    60 100 120
SyntaxError: invalid syntax 

这里是 Python 程序的源代码,使用贪心算法解决小数背包问题。我做错了什么请告诉我。 提前致谢。

def fractional_knapsack(value, weight, capacity):

    index = list(range(len(value)))
    # contains ratios of values to weight
    ratio = [v/w for v, w in zip(value, weight)]
    # index is sorted according to value-to-weight ratio in decreasing order
    index.sort(key=lambda i: ratio[i], reverse=True)

    max_value = 0
    fractions = [0]*len(value)
    for i in index:
        if weight[i] <= capacity:
            fractions[i] = 1
            max_value += value[i]
            capacity -= weight[i]
            fractions[i] = capacity/weight[i]
            max_value += value[i]*capacity/weight[i]

    return max_value, fractions

n = int(input('Enter number of items: '))
value = input('Enter the values of the {} item(s) in order: '
value = [int(v) for v in value]
weight = input('Enter the positive weights of the {} item(s) in order: '
weight = [int(w) for w in weight]
capacity = int(input('Enter maximum weight: '))

max_value, fractions = fractional_knapsack(value, weight, capacity)
print('The maximum value of items that can be carried:', max_value)
print('The fractions in which the items should be taken:', fractions)

您似乎尝试使用 Python 2.x 解释器 运行 这段代码,而您的代码是用 Python 3 编写的。为了能够 运行 它,您需要检查您的计算机上是否安装了 Python 3(有关安装说明,请参阅 here)。



#!/usr/bin/env python3

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