使用 nightwatch 进行拖放

Drag and drop using nightwatch

我正在尝试使用带硒的 nightwatch 拖放功能将元素拖放到特定位置,但是当我将超过 i 个元素放到同一个可放置元素时,它会重叠。

var dragAndDrop = require('html-dnd').codeForSelectors;  
this.dragModule = function (draggable, droppable, posX, posY) {
    var dndSimulateConfig = { dropOffset: [posX, posY] };
      .execute(dragAndDrop, [draggable, droppable, dndSimulateConfig])


locator1: can be xpath (or cssSelector) of your first element you want to drag locator2: can be xpath (or cssSelector ) is where you want to drop

this is tried and tested code, might be you need to little modify but it's working great for me.

return browser
    .moveToElement(locator1, XOffset1, Yoffset1)
    .pause(100) // if you want to give wait
    .mouseButtonDown(0) // press click, down
    .moveToElement(locator2, XOffset2, Yoffset2) // move to element
    .mouseButtonUp(0); // press release , up

read here docs- http://nightwatchjs.org/api and search for "moveToElement"

how to call:

myFunction moveToSpecificElement(locator, x, y) {
  return browser
  .moveToElement(locator, x, y, function (result) {
    this.assert.equal("your assertion goes here");

我使用的是 html-dnd 版本 1.2.0。所以拖放是重叠的。使用任何旧版本 'html-dnd' 都可以。