无法删除 aws eks 集群中的 VPC

Cannot delete VPC in aws eks cluster

我在 aws 上创建了一个 eks 集群并尝试使用负载均衡器部署一个应用程序然后我尝试删除集群和 vpc 但没有删除 kubernetes 中的任何部署和服务所以现在我无法删除 vpc。


AWS 文档 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/delete-cluster.html


If you have active services in your cluster that are associated with a load balancer, you must delete those services before deleting the cluster so that the load balancers are deleted properly. Otherwise, you can have orphaned resources in your VPC that prevent you from being able to delete the VPC.


在我删除了所有与集群中的应用程序关联的负载均衡器之后,我可以删除 VPC。

此外,在尝试删除 VPC 之前,请确保所有具有 public 接口的网络资产(例如 Internet 网关、NAT 网关、对等连接)都已计算 for/removed。