c#:有没有办法从数据开始的地方检索 excel 中的单元格地址?

c#: Is there a way to retrieve the cell address in excel from where data begins?

我正在尝试将 excel 数据从一个 sheet 复制到另一个。它工作正常,但 问题 是:在源文件中,如果 数据没有从单元格 A1 开始 (请考虑下图),在在这种情况下,我想从单元格 B5 复制数据。这里 Some header 不是必需的。实际数据从 Emp ID 个单元格开始。


假设有一些基本标准,下面的代码应该可以做到。我假设的标准是:1) 如果一行包含任何合并的单元格(如您的 "Some Header"),那么该行不是起始行。 2) 起始单元格将在右侧单元格和下方单元格中包含文本。

private static bool RowIsEmpty(Range range)
  foreach (object obj in (object[,])range.Value2)
    if (obj != null && obj.ToString() != "")
      return false;

  return true;

private static bool CellIsEmpty(Range cell)
  if (cell.Value2 != null && cell.Value2.ToString() != "")
    return false;

  return true;

private Tuple<int, int> ExcelFindStartCell()
  var excelApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
  excelApp.Visible = true;

  Workbook workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open("test.xlsx");
  Worksheet worksheet = excelApp.ActiveSheet;

  // Go through each row.
  for (int row = 1; row < worksheet.Rows.Count; row++)
    Range range = worksheet.Rows[row];

    // Check if the row is empty.
    if (RowIsEmpty(range))

    // Check if the row contains any merged cells, if so we'll assume it's
    // some kind of header and move on.
    object mergedCells = range.MergeCells;
    if (mergedCells == DBNull.Value || (bool)mergedCells)

    // Find the first column that contains text in this row.
    for (int col = 1; col < range.Columns.Count; col++)
      Range cell = range.Cells[1, col];

      if (CellIsEmpty(cell))

      // Now check if the cell to the right also contains text.
      Range rightCell = worksheet.Cells[row, col + 1];

      if (CellIsEmpty(rightCell))
        // No text in right cell, try the next row.

      // Now check if cell below also contains text.
      Range bottomCell = worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col];

      if (CellIsEmpty(bottomCell))
        // No text in bottom cell, try the next row.

      // Success!
      return new Tuple<int, int>(row, col);

  // Didn't find anything that matched the criteria.
  return null;