Apama "within" 和 "and" 运算符不执行侦听器?

Apama "within" and "and" operator not execute listener?

我想构建一个简单的监视器。谁在时间 window 中监听事件并执行监听器。但是监听器没有被执行。我感觉 Apama 引擎不支持它。

来自文档: 时间操作是 CEP 的常见要求。例如,我们可能想对我们的表情设置一个时间限制。 within 运算符指定表达式必须在其中完成的时间(以秒为单位),从组成模板首次激活时开始。当我们在 15.0 秒内同时收到带有适当字段的 MyEvent 和 MyOtherEvent 时,下面的表达式就完成了。澄清一下,在此表达式中,计时器在 MyEvent 或 MyOtherEvent 匹配时启动:

on all MyEvent(id="important") and MyOtherEvent(id="important") within 15.0

&TIME("2019-04-03T14:07:01.0+01:00") // sec 1

&TIME("2019-04-03T14:07:02.0+01:00") // sec 2

&TIME("2019-04-03T14:07:03.0+01:00") // sec 3

&TIME("2019-04-03T14:07:20.0+01:00") // sec 4

//EPL monitor Rule
on all TestEvent(tag= "BODY_ID") as test
  and TestEvent(tag = "START") as test1 within(5.0)
    log "test" + test.tag at INFO; //never called!



on all (
    TestEvent(tag = "START") as e1
    or TestEvent(tag= "BODY_ID") as e2
    or TestEvent(tag= "BODY_TYPE") as e3
    or TestEvent(tag= "BODY_MODELL") as e4
) -> (//followd by random tag
   TestEvent(tag = "START")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_ID")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_TYPE")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_MODELL")
) within(3.0) -> (//followd by random tag
   TestEvent(tag = "START")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_ID")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_TYPE")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_MODELL")
) within(3.0) -> (//followd by random tag
   TestEvent(tag = "START")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_ID")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_TYPE")
    or TestEvent(tag = "BODY_MODELL")
) within(3.0) {
   //Problem: No e1, e2,e3,e4 are not accessible...



When you run the code an event listener is created that attempts to match the sequence of events based on the operators you choose. So

on A() within(10.0) listenerAction();

After the correlator sets up this event listener, the event listener must detect an A event within 10 seconds. If no A event is detected within 10 seconds, the event expression becomes permanently false and the correlator subsequently terminates the event listener.

根据您的表达,'within' 基本上表现如上。

on all TestEvent(tag= "BODY_ID") as test
  and TestEvent(tag = "START") as test1 within(5.0) 
  log "test" + test.tag at INFO; //never called!

如果任一操作数的计算结果为假,则 and 运算符将为假。这会触发事件侦听器的删除。

在这种情况下,如果超时到期而没有收到事件,within 将为假。 within 实际上是参考事件监听器的创建,因为 and 没有顺序或时间的概念。这意味着评估 returns permanently falseall 不会重新创建事件模板,因为它永远不会为真,and 也不会。

如果您尝试使用括号强制 'within' 应用于第二个事件,则仅适用相同的结果(超时仍然来自侦听器创建)。

如果您删除 within 并忽略计时,那么 and 将按您预期的方式工作,任一顺序都会触发事件主体。但是,如果您有一系列事件,则可能会产生副作用,例如:




由于事件侦听器的行为方式,您将触发主体两次,A+B 和 B+A。


实现所需内容的最简单方法是使用 'follows' 运算符和 within。因为您想以任一顺序接收事件,所以我们需要使用 or 运算符并用 within 指定两者。

on all ( ( TestEvent(tag= "BODY_ID") as test
          -> TestEvent(tag = "START") as test1 within(5.0)) 
       ( TestEvent(tag= "START") as test
          -> TestEvent(tag = "BODY_ID") as test1 within(5.0)) )
  log "test" + test.tag at INFO; //never called!

当您创建事件侦听器时,它不会在“->”的右侧进行评估(启动计时器),直到收到 START 或 BODY_ID。如果在计时器到期之前没有事件进入,那么侦听器将像以前一样终止,但它现在不是永久错误,因此 'all' 重新创建事件侦听器并等待第一个事件到达。

有关详细信息,请参阅此内容:listening for event patterns within a set time




    from t1 in all TestEvent () select t1.tag as tag1 
    from t2 in all TestEvent () 
         within (5.0) select t2.tag as tag2 {
    if( ( tag1 = "BODY_ID" and tag2 = "START" ) or 
        ( tag1 = "START" and tag2 = "BODY_ID" ) ) {
            log "t1 " + tag1 + " t2 " + tag2  at INFO;

检查文档中此处附近的部分:Stream network


from t1 in all TestEvent () select t1.tag as tag1 
from t2 in all TestEvent () 
     within (5.0) select t2.tag as tag2 {
if( ( tag1 = "BODY_ID" and tag2 = "START" ) or 
    ( tag1 = "START" and tag2 = "BODY_ID" ) ) {
        log "t1 " + tag1 + " t2 " + tag2  at INFO;
