如何在 scalafx gui 场景中添加 mp3?

How to add a mp3 in scalafx gui scene?

我尝试使用 scalafx 将 mp3 添加到我的 scala gui 中,但我无法添加到场景中


val gameStage = new PrimaryStage {

  title = "Game Graphics"
  scene = new Scene(windowWidth, windowHeight) {
    var audio = new Media(url)
    var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(audio)
    mediaPlayer.volume = 100

似乎有一个问题是您没有使用 MediaView 实例将 MediaPlayer 添加到场景中。另外,最好在场景显示之前不开始播放媒体。


import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.scene.{Group, Scene}
import scalafx.scene.media.{Media, MediaPlayer, MediaView}

object GameGraphics
extends JFXApp {

  // Required info. Populate as necessary...
  val url = ???
  val windowWidth = ???
  val windowHeight = ???

  // Initialize the media and media player elements.
  val audio = new Media(url)
  val mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(audio)
  mediaPlayer.volume = 100

  // The primary stage is best defined as the stage member of the application.
  stage = new PrimaryStage {

    title = "Game Graphics"
    width = windowWidth
    height = windowHeight
    scene = new Scene {

      // Create a MediaView instance of the media player, and add it to the scene. (It needs
      // to be the child of a Group, or the child of a subclass of Group).
      val mediaView = new MediaView(mediaPlayer)
      root = new Group(mediaView)

    // Now play the media.

此外,您应该更喜欢 val 而不是 var,尤其是在关联变量定义后不需要修改的情况下。

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