运行 compojure with ring 来自 Intellij IDEA REPL

Running compojure with ring from Intellij IDEA REPL

我一直在努力从 IntelliJ Idea 启动基于 compojure 的应用程序,我按照此 Whosebug 答案中提供的说明进行操作

How to use compojure from Intellij

然而,当我尝试加载我的处理程序时,我得到 *ClassNotFoundException*

(use hello-compojure.handler)
Syntax error (ClassNotFoundException) compiling at (form-init4214569335684752102.clj:1:1).


(ns hello-compojure.handler
  (:require [compojure.core :refer :all]
            [compojure.route :as route]
            [ring.middleware.defaults :refer [wrap-defaults site-defaults]]))

(defroutes app-routes
  (GET "/" [] "Hello World")
  (GET "/hello" []  "hello second world")
  (route/not-found "Not Found"))

(def app
  (wrap-defaults app-routes site-defaults))


原来我在 require 语句

中漏掉了 '
Connecting to local nREPL server...
Clojure 1.10.0
nREPL server started on port 33629 on host - nrepl://
(require 'ring.adapter.jetty)
=> nil
(require 'hecompojure.handler)
=> nil
(ring.adapter.jetty/run-jetty hecompojure.handler/app {:port 3004})
2019-04-05 14:05:34.766:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.6.13.v20130916
2019-04-05 14:05:34.800:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector@