如何打印从 'startswith' 到 'endswith' 的字符串部分

How to print portion of the string from 'startswith' till 'endswith'

我喜欢将原始文本文件中可以在 'startswith' 和 'endswith' 字符串之间识别的部分保存到新的文本文件中。


...starts with string...
...ends with string...

...starts with string...
...ends with string...


starts with string...def...ends with string
starts with string...mno...ends with string

我的以下代码 returns 空列表 [ ]。请帮助更正我的代码。

with open('file_in.txt','r') as fi:
    id = []
    for ln in fi:
        if ln.startswith("start with string"):
            if ln.endswith("ends with string"):
                with open(file_out.txt, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fo:
                    fo.write (",".join(id))

我希望 file.out.txt 包含所有以 "start with string" 开头并以 "ends with string" 结尾的字符串。

startswith and endswith return True or False rather than a position you can use to slice your string. Try find or index 代替。例如:

start = 'starts with string'
end = 'ends with string'
s = '...abc… ...starts with string... ...def... ...ends with string... ...ghi...'

sub = s[s.find(start):s.find(end) + len(end)]
# starts with string... ...def... ...ends with string

您需要在循环中添加一些检查以查看开始和结束字符串是否存在,因为如果不匹配,find 将 return -1,这将导致一些意外的切片。


def extract(fh, start, stop):
    sub = False
    for line in fh:
        sub |= start in line
        if sub:
            yield line
            sub ^= stop in line

with open('test.txt') as fh:
    print(''.join(extract(fh, 'starts with string', 'ends with string')))

在 Python 3.8 中你可以使用 assignment expressions:

import itertools as it

def extract(fh, start, stop):
    while any(start in (line := x) for x in fh):
        yield line
        yield from it.takewhile(lambda x: stop not in x, ((line := y) for y in fh))
        yield line

with open('test.txt') as fh:
    print(''.join(extract(fh, 'starts with string', 'ends with string')))


如果要从输出中排除开始和停止标记,我们可以再次使用 itertools.takewhile:

import itertools as it

def extract(fh, start, stop):
    while any(start in x for x in fh):
        yield from it.takewhile(lambda x: stop not in x, fh)

with open('test.txt') as fh:
    print(''.join(extract(fh, 'starts with string', 'ends with string')))

在每一行的末尾都有一个字符告诉计算机显示一个新行。我在这里假设 "start with string" 和 "ends with string" 在同一行。如果不是这种情况,请在第一个 if 语句的正下方添加 --"id.append(ln[:])"--。


ln.endswith("ends with string"+'\n' )

ln.endswith("ends with string"+'\n' +'\r')
with open('C:\Py\testing.txt','r') as fi:
    id = []
    x = 0
    copy_line = False
    for ln in fi:
        if "starts with string" in ln:
            copy_line = True
        if copy_line:
            id.append ( ln[:] )
        if "ends with string" in ln :
            copy_line = False

    with open ('C:\Py\testing_out.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8' ) as fo:
        fo.write (",".join(id))
