
Is there a way for me to make the circle bounce off the top of the movable object?

基本上我只是想要一些关于如何使圆圈从可移动物体上反弹的指导。我遇到了麻烦,已经尝试了三个小时,因此转向论坛寻求帮助。我尝试了多个 'if' 语句,但显然我没有正确理解 none 正在工作。谢谢:)

我已经尝试了 3 个小时来使用不同的 if 语句来解决这个问题。

float x;
float easing = 1;
float circle_x = 1;
float circle_y = 30;
float rad = 12.5;
float gravity = 0.98;
float move_x = 5;
float move_y = 5;

void setup() {
    size(640, 480);

void draw() {

    rect(0, 430, 640, 80);

    float targetX = mouseX;
    float dx = targetX - x;
    x += dx * easing;

    rect(x, 400, 30, 30);
    rect(x-20, 390, 70, 10);
    rect(x, 430, 5, 20);
    rect(x+25, 430, 5, 20);

    ellipse(circle_x, circle_y, 25, 25);
    circle_x = circle_x + move_x;
    circle_y = circle_y + move_y;

    if (circle_x > width) {
        circle_x = width;
        move_x = -move_x;

    if (circle_y > height) {
        circle_y = height;
        move_y = -move_y;

    if (circle_x < 0) {
        circle_x = 0;
        move_x = -move_x;

    if (circle_y < 0) {
        circle_y = 0;
        move_y= -move_y;

将任何变量插入 if 语句并只接收返回:球被我的鼠标光标(而不是对象)反弹,出现故障的圆圈和断断续续的图像。


circle_x > x && circle_x < x + objW


circle_y > objH - circleR

此外,重要的是先进行命中测试,然后再进行物体弹跳地面的测试。一种好的风格是在 else if 语句中执行此操作:

int objX1 = -20;
int objX2 = 70;
int objH = 390;
int circleR = 25/2;
if (circle_x > x + objX1  && circle_x < x + objX2 && circle_y > objH - circleR ) {
    circle_y = objH-circleR;
    move_y = -move_y; 
else if (circle_y > height) {
    circle_y = height;
    move_y = -move_y;
else if (circle_y < 0) {
    circle_y = 0;
    move_y= -move_y;


float x;
float easing = 1;
float circle_x = 1;
float circle_y = 30;
float rad = 12.5;
float gravity = 0.98;
float move_x = 5;
float move_y = 5;

void setup() {
    size(640, 480);

void draw() {

    rect(0, 430, 640, 80);

    float targetX = mouseX;
    float dx = targetX - x;
    x += dx * easing;

    circle_x = circle_x + move_x;
    circle_y = circle_y + move_y;
    if (circle_x > width) {
        circle_x = width;
        move_x = -move_x;
    else if (circle_x < 0) {
        circle_x = 0;
        move_x = -move_x;

    int objW = 70;
    int objH = 390;
    int circleR = 25/2;
    if (circle_x > x && circle_x < x + objW && circle_y > objH-circleR ) {
        circle_y = objH-circleR;
        move_y = -move_y; 
    else if (circle_y > height) {
        circle_y = height;
        move_y = -move_y;
    else if (circle_y < 0) {
        circle_y = 0;
        move_y= -move_y;

    rect(x, 400, 30, 30);
    rect(x-20, 390, 70, 10);
    rect(x, 430, 5, 20);
    rect(x+25, 430, 5, 20);

    ellipse(circle_x, circle_y, 25, 25);