
AutoIncrement of Multiple columns in indexeddb

有谁知道 - 我们如何为 indexeddb 中的两列指定自动增量。

我知道 - 我们可以在创建 table 时为一列指定自动增量 -

var objectStore = thisDb.createObjectStore("note", { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement:true });


您不能在商店中创建两个自动递增的属性。该功能仅适用于定义为关键路径的 属性。

您可以轻松获取自增值。该值作为插入新对象的 putadd 请求的 result 提供。


function addThing(db, thing) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let id = undefined;

    const transaction = db.transaction('things', 'readwrite');
    const store = transaction.objectStore('things');

    // wait to resolve the promise until the transaction is completed
    // so that we do not prematurely pretend the operation succeeded. resolve 
    // to the value of the new id
    transaction.oncomplete = event => resolve(id);

    transaction.onerror = event => reject(;

    // store.add also works here
    const request = store.put(thing);

    // listen for the add event and grab the value of the new id
    // that indexedDB generated and store it in the id variable
    request.onsuccess = event => id =;

async function doSomething() {
  const something = {bar: 'baz'};

  const db = await open(...);
  const id = await addThing(db, something);
  db.close(); = id;