由于来自 https://services.odata.org 的服务不支持 CORS,加载“$metadata”失败

Loading of `$metadata` fails due service from https://services.odata.org not supporting CORS

我正在尝试使用 Northwind R/W OData 服务 link:https://services.odata.org/V3/OData/OData.svc/

本地测试运行良好。但是没有使用proxy或者mock server,服务报如下错误:

NetworkError: 501 Not Implemented


// ODataModel required from "sap/ui/model/odata/v2/ODataModel"
var oModel = new ODataModel({
  serviceUrl: "https://services.odata.org/V3/OData/OData.svc/",
  headers: {
    DataServiceVersion: "3.0",
    MaxDataServiceVersion: "3.0"

由于您使用的是 Northwind,我相信它仅用于开发。所以你可以利用https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/来访问跨源资源。

var oModel = new ODataModel({ // required from "sap/ui/model/odata/v2/ODataModel"
  serviceUrl: "https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://services.odata.org/V2/(S(frik5l2zde0sxh4jiifyhqo4))/OData/OData.svc/"

或者另一种方法是 在 chrome 中禁用安全标志以进行开发 使用 .

更新 (2021-06-16): OData V4 TripPin service, a reverse proxy server is no longer required as the host now supports CORS.


问题是 services from odata.org currently don't support CORS. To learn about what CORS is in general, see Same origin Policy and CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing).


  1. 客户端发送预检请求,使用方法OPTIONS,查看服务器允许什么样的请求。
  2. 服务器响应它不理解 OPTIONS 请求。
  3. 客户报告“OPTIONS ... 501(未实施)”。

规避此问题的方法之一是使用可在 SAP Business Technology Platform(又名 SAP BTP,以前称为 SAP Cloud)中配置的反向代理服务器平台或 SCP)以及在本地开发的情况下使用 UI5 工具

有关如何解决此问题的详细文档。请仔细阅读主题 Request Fails Due to Same-Origin Policy (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing - CORS) 并根据您的开发环境应用更改。

如果在本地使用 UI5 工具,我建议 ui5-middleware-simpleproxy

public 代理服务 cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com 一开始似乎可以工作,但它初步会按顺序发送带有预检请求的每个请求(即每次两个请求),因为默认情况下,该服务器 缓存预检请求。src Also the number of requests per period is limited there, so you will get blocked when sending several requests too many times.UPDATE: cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com is officially no longer usable. See the announcement: https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere/issues/301