mycursor.execute 不会插入行

mycursor.execute wont insert rows

我有一个 discord 机器人,它会接受一些用户输入并将其作为一行插入 mysql。数据已经过验证,但 mysql 库拒绝将其作为一行插入。如果我让它打印命令而不是发送它,然后从 mysql 主机执行它,它插入就好了。

async def addsourceserver(ctx, name=None, description=None, ip=None, port=None, query_port=None):
    mydb = msc(
    mycursor = mydb.cursor(buffered=True)
        # Checking if the database has been made (theres a another command to make the db
    if name == 0 or description == 0 or ip == 0 or port == 0 or query_port == 0:
        #some more checking
    mycursor.execute("select * from source_server_info")
    existingservers = len(mycursor.fetchall()) # finds the instance number it should use when inserting (primary key kind of)
    mycursor = mydb.cursor(buffered=False)
    mycursor.execute(f"use `{str(}`")
    mycursor.execute(f"""INSERT INTO source_server_info (instance, name, description, ip, port, query_port) VALUES ({existingservers+1}, '{name}', '{description}', '{ip}', {port}, {query_port})""")

它应该只是将行插入 mysql。它实际上做了什么绝对没有。没有给出错误,并且 mysql 上没有任何更改。很可能我是一个布偶,遗漏了一些愚蠢的东西,但我们将不胜感激。谢谢

事实证明,我需要提交更改。 我通过在连接中使用 autocommit=True 来做到这一点 抱歉浪费了您的时间。


async def addsourceserver(ctx, name=None, description=None, ip=None, port=None, query_port=None):
    mydb = msc(
    mycursor = mydb.cursor(buffered=True)
        # Checking if the database has been made (theres a another command to make the db
    if name == 0 or description == 0 or ip == 0 or port == 0 or query_port == 0:
        #some more checking
    mycursor.execute("select * from source_server_info")
    existingservers = len(mycursor.fetchall()) # finds the instance number it should use when inserting (primary key kind of)
    mycursor = mydb.cursor(buffered=False)
    mycursor.execute(f"use `{str(}`")
    mycursor.execute(f"""INSERT INTO source_server_info (instance, name, description, ip, port, query_port) VALUES ({existingservers+1}, '{name}', '{description}', '{ip}', {port}, {query_port})""")