Python - Rply 将多个不同的规则分配给多个不同的函数

Python - Rply assign multiple different rules to multiple different functions

假设我有一个看起来像这样的 python-rply 代码(取自 here):

from rply import ParserGenerator, LexerGenerator
from rply.token import BaseBox

lg = LexerGenerator()
# Add takes a rule name, and a regular expression that defines the rule.
lg.add("PLUS", r"\+")
lg.add("MINUS", r"-")
lg.add("NUMBER", r"\d+")


# This is a list of the token names. precedence is an optional list of
# tuples which specifies order of operation for avoiding ambiguity.
# precedence must be one of "left", "right", "nonassoc".
# cache_id is an optional string which specifies an ID to use for
# caching. It should *always* be safe to use caching,
# RPly will automatically detect when your grammar is
# changed and refresh the cache for you.
pg = ParserGenerator(["NUMBER", "PLUS", "MINUS"],
        precedence=[("left", ['PLUS', 'MINUS'])], cache_id="myparser")

@pg.production("main : expr")
def main(p):
    # p is a list, of each of the pieces on the right hand side of the
    # grammar rule
    return p[0]

@pg.production("expr : expr PLUS expr")
@pg.production("expr : expr MINUS expr")
def expr_op(p):
    lhs = p[0].getint()
    rhs = p[2].getint()
    if p[1].gettokentype() == "PLUS":
        return BoxInt(lhs + rhs)
    elif p[1].gettokentype() == "MINUS":
        return BoxInt(lhs - rhs)
        raise AssertionError("This is impossible, abort the time machine!")

@pg.production("expr : NUMBER")
def expr_num(p):
    return BoxInt(int(p[0].getstr()))

lexer =
parser =

class BoxInt(BaseBox):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def getint(self):
        return self.value


parser.parse(lexer.lex("1 + 3"))

它将执行,给你 4 作为输出和答案。这是一个工作代码,但仍需要改进。调用 @pg.production 进行加法和减法的代码部分效率不高;我的意思是,如果您要向其中添加更多操作符,它会变得非常拥挤。有没有一种好的方法可以使该部分的 非拥挤 版本看起来像这样:

@pg.production("expr : expr PLUS expr")
def plus(p):
    lhs = p[0].getint()
    rhs = p[2].getint()
    if p[1].gettokentype() == "PLUS":
        return BoxInt(lhs + rhs)
        raise AssertionError("This is impossible, abort the time machine!")

@pg.production("expr : expr MINUS expr")
def minus(p):
    lhs = p[0].getint()
    rhs = p[2].getint()

    if p[1].gettokentype() == "MINUS":
        return BoxInt(lhs - rhs)
        raise AssertionError("This is impossible, abort the time machine!")

注意:我使用的是 rply, not ply,但它们非常相似。



@pg.production("expr : expr PLUS expr")
def plus(p):
    return BoxInt(p[0].getint() +  p[2].getint())

@pg.production("expr : expr MINUS expr")
def minus(p):
    return BoxInt(p[0].getint() -  p[2].getint())