AWS CLI:描述没有 "p-" 前缀的策略

AWS CLI: Describing a Policy Without "p-" Prefix

我正在尝试使用 AWS CLI 来描述我的 AWS 策略。但是,AWS 似乎无法识别 policy-id。


aws iam get-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::160936793253:policy/MyAWSPolicy


    "Policy": {
        "PolicyName": "MyAWSPolicy",
        "PolicyId": "ANPAIIJNOIYOWCAK6KH7I",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::160936796653:policy/MyAWSPolicy",
        "Path": "/",
        "DefaultVersionId": "v8",
        "AttachmentCount": 2,
        "IsAttachable": true,
        "CreateDate": "2019-03-20T20:20:26Z",
        "UpdateDate": "2019-04-01T18:19:08Z"

但是当我输入这个命令时: aws organizations describe-policy --policy-id ANPAIIJNOIYOWCAK6KH7I

我收到 InvalidInputException,因为根据 AWS 文档 (

The unique identifier (ID) of the policy that you want details about. You can get the ID from the ListPolicies or ListPoliciesForTarget operations.

The regex pattern for a policy ID string requires "p-" followed by from 8 to 128 lower-case letters or digits.

然而,当我将 p- 添加到 ANPAIIJNOIYOWCAK6KH7I 时,AWS 无法识别此策略。


您参考的文档建议您从 ListPolicies or ListPoliciesForTarget operations, which is likely referencing the operations on the organizations service 获取策略 ID。您获取的 ID 来自 IAM 策略。

我不完全熟悉 IAM 和组织之间的交互,但我想他们正在使用具有不同标识符的不同策略对象。