
Is there any way to use the generic protocol as a data type in a function?


public protocol ICRUDOperation {

    associatedtype T

    func insert(data:T)
    func update(data:T)
    func get(data:T) -> [T]
    func GetList(data: BaseModel) -> Array<T>
    func GetPage(data: BaseModel) -> Array<T>
    func Delete(data: T)


func Delegate1<W: ICRUDOperation>(sqlite: W, service: W, data: T) {
    sqlite.insert(data: data)

error: Cannot convert value of type 'T' (generic parameter of generic class 'Decision') to expected argument type 'W.T' (associated type of protocol 'ICRUDOperation')

如错误所述,T 是一个通用参数,其 class 未在函数声明中定义,因为 TICRUDOperation 关联,因此您应该使用委托如:

func Delegate1<W: ICRUDOperation>(sqlite: W, service: W, data: W.T) {
    sqlite.insert(data: data)