有没有办法将下面嵌套的 json 数据插入 sql 服务器

Is there any way to insert below nested json data into sql server

我正在处理嵌套的 JSON 数据,我需要将其加载到 SQL SERVER 2012。嵌套的 JSON 包含两个根,即一列和另一行。我需要将行中的值放入列中。请看下面的结构:

    "tables": [
            "name": "PrimaryResult",
            "columns": [
                    "name": "timestamp",
                    "type": "datetime"
                    "name": "id",
                    "type": "string"
                    "name": "name",
                    "type": "string"
                    "name": "url",
                    "type": "string"
                    "name": "duration",
                    "type": "real"
            "rows": [



timestamp    id    name    url    duration
2019-04-08    244    Internal    https://google.com    1245

这里,在 sql 服务器中,它应该从列中获取列名,从行中获取每列的值

假设您将 json 存储到名为 json.txt

import json

with open('json.txt') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
    tableName = data['tables'][0]["name"]
    sqlCreateTable = 'CREATE TABLE ' + tableName + ' (\n'
    sqlInsertInto = 'INSERT INTO ' + tableName + ' ('
    for i in range(0,len(data['tables'][0]['columns'])):
        columnName = data['tables'][0]['columns'][i]['name']
        type = data['tables'][0]['columns'][i]['type']
        sqlCreateTable += columnName + " " + type + ',\n'
        sqlInsertInto += columnName + ', '

    sqlCreateTable = sqlCreateTable[:-2] + '\n);'
    sqlInsertInto = sqlInsertInto[:-2] + ')\nVALUES ('

    for value in data['tables'][0]['rows'][0]:
        sqlInsertInto += str(value) + ', '

    sqlInsertInto = sqlInsertInto[:-2] + ');'


创建 table 的输出:

CREATE TABLE PrimaryResult (
timestamp datetime,
id string,
name string,
url string,
duration real

插入 table 的输出:

INSERT INTO PrimaryResult (timestamp, id, name, url, duration)
VALUES (2019-04-08T13:09:52.871Z, 244, Internal, https://google.com, 1245);