WebAuthn 检索 public 密钥和凭证 ID

WebAuthn retrieve public key and credential id


我正在使用 yubico nfc 密钥,我几乎成功注册了安全密钥。 我从服务器发送一个随机字节挑战来注册密钥和其他数据。

当我注册密钥时,我设法解码了 clientDataJson 和身份验证响应以检索大量信息。 但是我不知道如何处理 credentialId 和 authData 缓冲区,我尝试对它们进行解码、解密,但我总是得到一些奇怪的数据,没有任何东西看起来像 credentialId 或 public 密钥。


 var createCredentialDefaultArgs = {
            publicKey: {
                // Relying Party (a.k.a. - Service):
                rp: {
                    name: 'Dummy'

                // User:
                user: {
                    id: new Uint8Array(16),
                    name: 'John Doe',
                    displayName: 'Mr Doe'

                pubKeyCredParams: [{
                    type: "public-key",
                    alg: -7

                attestation: "direct",

                timeout: 60000,

                challenge:  new Uint8Array(/* stuff*/).buffer

            .on('click', function () {
                // register / create a new credential
                    .then((cred) => {
                        console.log("NEW CREDENTIAL", cred);

                        const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');

                        const decodedClientData = utf8Decoder.decode(cred.response.clientDataJSON);

                        // parse the string as an object
                        const clientDataObj = JSON.parse(decodedClientData);

                        const decodedAttestationObj = CBOR.decode(cred.response.attestationObject);

                        const {authData} = decodedAttestationObj;
                        // get the length of the credential ID
                        const dataView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(2));
                        const idLenBytes = authData.slice(53, 55);
                            (value, index) => dataView.setUint8(
                                index, value)
                        const credentialIdLength = dataView.getUint16();

                        // get the credential ID
                        const credentialId = authData.slice(
                            55, credentialIdLength);

                        // get the public key object
                        const publicKeyBytes = authData.slice(
                            55 + credentialIdLength);

                        // the publicKeyBytes are encoded again as CBOR
                        const publicKeyObject = CBOR.decode(
                    .catch((err) => {
                        console.log("ERROR", err);

最后,我不知道如何处理 public 密钥对象和 credentialId。去冷凝似乎没用。


Credential ID and Credential Public Key values are both non human palatable 个字节串。


I always got some strange data and nothing that looks like a credentialId or a public key.


您从 authData 中解析出的 credentialId 是由 U2F 密钥生成的一串随机字节(通常为 96 字节长),所以不要指望它们有意义。

publicKey 变量有点棘手,因为它是 CBOR 编码的(不是你的常规 PEM 字符串),在 publicKeyObject 中解码后应该给你这样的输出:

   1: 2,              // Ellipic Curve key type
   3: -7,             // ES256 signature algorithm
  -1: 1,              // P-256 curve
  -2: 0x7885DB484..., // X value
  -3: 0x814F3DD31...  // Y value

In the end, I don't know what to do with the public key object and the credentialId.

您需要 凭据 ID 识别 试图针对您的网站进行身份验证的用户和 Public 密钥 验证 其身份。

应验证从 authData 响应中提取的所有其他信息,但无需保留它,只需保存 credentialIdpublicKeyBytes.


要了解如何验证签名,请查看此 link:https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#fig-signature