在每 39 个字符后插入一个竖线分隔符

Insert a pipe delimiter after every 39 characters

问了我在哪里需要删除空格并将 13 个空格替换为竖线分隔符的问题。我现在有一个不同的文件,其中包含 1 行很长的文本,我需要在其中插入管道“|”每 39 个字符后有分隔符。我尝试使用的文本示例:

000/042 BS CALIFORNIA             90001000/042 BS CALIFORNIA             90002000/042 BS CALIFORNIA             90003000/042 BS CALIFORNIA             90004000/042 BS CALIFORNIA 

我打算编写一个可以执行此操作的批处理文件,因为如果不使用 SSIS 和分隔符对其进行预处理,我将无法将其加载到任何 sql 服务器。任何帮助表示赞赏。

编辑: 替换空格并使文件易于使用的代码如下:

Set Inp = wscript.Stdin
Set Outp = wscript.Stdout
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "\s{2,}"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
Outp.Write regEx.Replace(Inp.ReadAll, "|")

我不确定如何修改它以便在每 39 个字符后放置一个竖线分隔符。

感谢大家关注这个问题。我发布了我发现对我来说足够的解决方案。初衷是在每 39 个字符后插入一个管道分隔符。但我在考虑不同的方向。我可以使用 SSIS 平面文件源完成相同的任务,其中我 select 格式选项为 "Fixed width" 并根据需要加载数据。

Set Inp = wscript.Stdin
Set Outp = wscript.Stdout
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "(.{39,39})"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
Outp.Write regEx.Replace(Inp.ReadAll, "|")


是VBScript帮助文件。查找 pattern 属性。 . 除换行符外的任何字符,最小 39 和最大 39, 替换为我们找到的内容加上管道。

这是一个基于 to 中的代码的解决方案。以下脚本再次使用相同的技术来克服通常适用于批处理文件的行长度限制(请参阅代码中的所有解释性 rem 注释):

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedexpansion

rem // Define constants here:
set "_INPUT=.\PXZP_SND_XZ01_GFT10553.dat" & rem // (this is the input file)
set "_OUTPUT=.\R1.txt" & rem // (set to `con` to display the result on the console)
set "_TEMPF=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp" & rem // (specifies a temporary file)
set /A "_FIX=39" & rem // (this specifies the fixed width)
set "_INSERT=|"  & rem // (this is the insertion string)
rem // This stores an end-of-file character in a variable:
for /F %%E in ('forfiles /P "%~dp0." /M "%~nx0" /C "cmd /C echo 0x1A"') do set "_EOF=%%E"

rem /* The input file is going to be processed in a sub-routine,
rem    which accesses the file content via input redirection `<`: */
< "%_INPUT%" > "%_OUTPUT%" call :PROCESS

exit /B

    rem // Reset variables that store a partial string to be processed and a separator:
    set "PART=" & set "SEP="
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    rem /* At this point 1023 characters are read from the input file at most, until
    rem    a line-break or the end of the file is encountered:*/
    set "NEW=" & set /P NEW=""
    rem // The read characters are appended to a string buffer that will be processed:
    set "PART=!PART!!NEW!"
    rem // Check whether or not the string buffer is empty:
    if defined PART (
        rem // String buffer is not empty, so split it in two parts using the fixed width:
        set "LEFT=!PART:~,%_FIX%!" & set "RIGHT=!PART:~%_FIX%!"
    ) else (
        rem /* String buffer is empty, hence reset both left and right string portions;
        rem    this step is necessary since splitting an empty string is not possible: */
        set "LEFT=" & set "RIGHT="
    rem /* Jump back to read more characters in case the right string portion is empty,
    rem    unless the end of the file has already been reached, hence no more are left: */
    if not defined RIGHT if defined NEW goto :READ
    rem /* Skip processing when the left string portion is empty, which is the case when
    rem    no more data are left, so when the end of the file has already been reached: */
    if defined LEFT (
        rem /* Write to a temporary file the output string, which consists of an insertion
        rem    string (except for the very first time), the left string portion and an
        rem    end-of-file character; a line-break is automatically appended by `echo`: */
        > "!_TEMPF!" echo(!SEP!!LEFT!%_EOF%
        rem /* Copy the temporary file onto itself, but remove the end-of-file character
        rem    and everything after, then type the file content; this is a safe way of
        rem    echoing a string without a trailing line-break: */
        > nul copy /Y /A "!_TEMPF!" + nul "!_TEMPF!" /B & type "!_TEMPF!"
        rem // Set the insertion string now to skip it only for the first output:
        set "SEP=!_INSERT!"
        rem // Move the right string portion into the string buffer:
        set "PART=!RIGHT!"
        rem // Jump back to process the updated string buffer, hence to split it again:
        goto :LOOP
    rem // Clean up the temporary file:
    del "%_TEMPF%"
    exit /B

请注意,给定的固定宽度必须是小于约 8190 个字符的正数。