
Creating org-tables from the results of a code block

我正在尝试根据使用“;”的 CSV 文件的内容创建一个 org-table作为分隔符。

我原以为有一个源代码块 "cat" 文件的内容然后将结果传递给创建 table 的函数会很容易,但我卡住了:我找不到使用第一个源代码块的 "results" 的方法。我知道的功能 (org-table-convert-region) 需要一个区域来工作,但我不知道如何将 "cat"-ed 文本作为区域传递。

#+NAME: csvraw
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results raw
  cat afile.csv

非常感谢您帮助生成一个代码块,该代码块从我的 csv 文件中生成一个 org-table,其中包含如下行:

(defun jea-convert-csv-to-org-table (fname)
  (interactive "fCSV to convert: ")
  (let ((result '("|-\n")))
      (save-excursion (insert-file-contents-literally fname))
      (while (and (not (eobp)) (re-search-forward "^\(.+\)$" nil t nil))
        (push (concat "|" (replace-regexp-in-string ";" "|" (match-string 1)) "|\n")
      (push '"|-\n" result))
    (concat (seq-mapcat #'identity (reverse result)))))

在 ~/.emacs 文件中安装 elisp 代码并重新启动 emacs。或者,更好的是,eval 使其存在(CTRL+x、CTRL+eALT+x eval-last-sexp ).

#+NAME: csvraw
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results raw
  (jea-convert-csv-to-org-table "/Users/jamesanderson/Downloads/test1.csv")

注意上面的 shelisp 的变化。这是它的动图: emacs converting csv to org table


org-table-convert-region(绑定到C-c |)可以相当简单地进行转换。唯一的技巧是指定 ; 作为分隔符。您可以通过使用适当的前缀参数调用它来做到这一点 - 文档字符串说:

(org-table-convert-region BEG0 END0 &optional SEPARATOR)

Convert region to a table.

The region goes from BEG0 to END0, but these borders will be moved
slightly, to make sure a beginning of line in the first line is included.

SEPARATOR specifies the field separator in the lines.  It can have the
following values:

(4)     Use the comma as a field separator
(16)    Use a TAB as field separator
(64)    Prompt for a regular expression as field separator
integer  When a number, use that many spaces, or a TAB, as field separator
regexp   When a regular expression, use it to match the separator
nil      When nil, the command tries to be smart and figure out the
         separator in the following way:
         - when each line contains a TAB, assume TAB-separated material
         - when each line contains a comma, assume CSV material
         - else, assume one or more SPACE characters as separator.


  • 插入带有 C-x i 的 CSV 文件。
  • C-x C-x将插入的内容标记为活动区域。
  • C-u C-u C-u C-c | ; RET

更酷的是,在 CSV 文件中的第一行和其余行之间留下一个空行,将使第一行自动成为 table 中的 header。


#+begin_src elisp :var file="/tmp/foo.csv" :results raw
  (defun csv-to-table (file)
      (insert-file file)
      (org-table-convert-region (point-min) (point-max) ";")

  (csv-to-table file)

| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |