如何多次打印 .bmp 图像?

How do I print a .bmp image multiple times?

我正在为 class 开发一个汇编项目,我有一些代码。我的问题是我有错误,因为代码不是为多次打印相同的 .bmp 图像而设计的。
我需要的是一些我可以使用的代码,这样我就可以多次打印我的 .bmp 图像。任何建议都会非常有帮助。谢谢!

我尝试了一些其他代码来在汇编中打印 .bmp 文件,但没有成功。
如果您有某种打印 .bmp 文件的代码,那将非常有用。


MODEL small
STACK 100h
filename db 'test.bmp',0

filehandle dw ?

Header db 54 dup (0)

Palette db 256*4 dup (0)

ScrLine db 320 dup (0)

ErrorMsg db 'Error', 13, 10,'$'
proc OpenFile

    ; Open file

    mov ah, 3Dh
    xor al, al
    mov dx, offset filename
    int 21h

    jc openerror
    mov [filehandle], ax

    mov dx, offset ErrorMsg
    mov ah, 9h
    int 21h
endp OpenFile
proc ReadHeader

    ; Read BMP file header, 54 bytes

    mov ah,3fh
    mov bx, [filehandle]
    mov cx,54
    mov dx,offset Header
    int 21h
    endp ReadHeader
    proc ReadPalette

    ; Read BMP file color palette, 256 colors * 4 bytes (400h)

    mov ah,3fh
    mov cx,400h
    mov dx,offset Palette
    int 21h
endp ReadPalette
proc CopyPal

    ; Copy the colors palette to the video memory
    ; The number of the first color should be sent to port 3C8h
    ; The palette is sent to port 3C9h

    mov si,offset Palette
    mov cx,256
    mov dx,3C8h
    mov al,0

    ; Copy starting color to port 3C8h

    out dx,al

    ; Copy palette itself to port 3C9h

    inc dx

    ; Note: Colors in a BMP file are saved as BGR values rather than RGB.

    mov al,[si+2] ; Get red value.
    shr al,2 ; Max. is 255, but video palette maximal

    ; value is 63. Therefore dividing by 4.

    out dx,al ; Send it.
    mov al,[si+1] ; Get green value.
    shr al,2
    out dx,al ; Send it.
    mov al,[si] ; Get blue value.
    shr al,2
    out dx,al ; Send it.
    add si,4 ; Point to next color.

    ; (There is a null chr. after every color.)

    loop PalLoop
endp CopyPal

proc CopyBitmap

    ; BMP graphics are saved upside-down.
    ; Read the graphic line by line (200 lines in VGA format),
    ; displaying the lines from bottom to top.

    mov ax, 0A000h
    mov es, ax
    mov cx,200
    push cx

    ; di = cx*320, point to the correct screen line

    mov di,cx
    shl cx,6
    shl di,8
    add di,cx

    ; Read one line

    mov ah,3fh
    mov cx,320
    mov dx,offset ScrLine
    int 21h

    ; Copy one line into video memory


    ; Clear direction flag, for movsb

    mov cx,320
    mov si,offset ScrLine
    rep movsb 

    ; Copy line to the screen
    ;rep movsb is same as the following code:
    ;mov es:di, ds:si
    ;inc si
    ;inc di
    ;dec cx
    ;loop until cx=0

    pop cx
    loop PrintBMPLoop
endp CopyBitmap
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

    ; Graphic mode
    mov ax, 13h
    int 10h

    ; Process BMP file
    call OpenFile
    call ReadHeader
    call ReadPalette
    call CopyPal
    call CopyBitmap

    ; Wait for key press
    mov ah,1

    int 21h
    ; Back to text mode
    mov ah, 0
    mov al, 2
    int 10h
    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h
    END start


重复只是关闭文件然后在程序中循环的问题。要关闭文件,您可以使用 DOS 函数 3Eh

proc CloseFile
  mov  ah, 3Eh
  mov  bx, [filehandle]
  int  21h
endp CloseFile

  mov  ax, 0013h       ;Graphic mode
  int  10h
  call OpenFile
  call ReadHeader
  call ReadPalette
  call CopyPal
  call CopyBitmap
  call CloseFile
  mov  ah, 01h         ;Key
  int  21h
  cmp  al, 27
  jne  Again           ;Loop until users presses <ESC>
  mov ax, 0003h        ;Text mode
  int 10h
  mov ax, 4C00h
  int 21h