无法在 pybind11 中绑定重载的静态成员函数

Unable to bind overloaded static member functions in pybind11

我尝试用 pybind11 绑定静态重载函数,但遇到了一些问题。


#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>

namespace py = pybind11;

class TESTDB {
    static void aaaa(int a, int b) {printf("aaaaa");};
    static void aaaa(int a) {printf("xxxxx");};

PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {

  py::class_<TESTDB>(m, "db")
     .def_static("aaaa", (void (TESTDB::*)(int, int)) &TESTDB::aaaa);



error: no matches converting function ‘aaaa’ to type ‘void (class TESTDB::*)(int, int)’
   .def_static("aaaa", (void (TESTDB::*)(int, int)) &TESTDB::aaaa);
 note: candidates are: static void TESTDB::aaaa(int)
 static void aaaa(int a) {printf("xxxxx");};
 note:                 static void TESTDB::aaaa(int, int)
 static void aaaa(int a, int b) {printf("aaaaa");};



问题是你的演员(void (TESTDB::*)(int, int))。该转换将指向静态成员函数的指针转换为指向 -静态成员函数的指针,这是不正确的。


py::class_<TESTDB>(m, "db")
    .def_static("aaaa", static_cast<void (*)(int, int)>(&TESTDB::aaaa));

仅供参考 - 首先,C++ 标准草案 n3337(本质上是 C++11)的 8.3.1 指针 [dcl.ptr] / 1

In a declaration T D where D has the form

* attribute-specifier-seq cv-qualifier-seq D1

and the type of the identifier in the declaration T D1 is “derived-declarator-type-list T,” then the type of the identifier of D is “derived-declarator-type-list cv-qualifier-seq pointer to T.” ...

8.3.3指向成员的指针[dcl.mptr] / 1状态

In a declaration T D where D has the form

nested-name-specifier * attribute-specifier-seq cv-qualifier-seq D1

and the nested-name-specifier denotes a class, and the type of the identifier in the declaration T D1 is “derived-declarator-type-list T”, then the type of the identifier of D is “derived-declarator-type-list cv-qualifier-seq pointer to member of class nested-name-specifier of type T”. ...

这些语句意味着当且仅当函数 TESTDB::aaaa 是一个成员函数 .

接下来,5.2.2 函数调用[expr.call]状态

  1. There are two kinds of function call: ordinary function call and member function63 (9.3) call. ...


63) A static member function (9.4) is an ordinary function.

这意味着你的静态成员函数TESTDB::aaaa是一个普通函数,而不是成员函数。 因此,您不得在当前演员表中指定 TESTDB::

总而言之,您必须像这样消除 TESTDB::aaaa 的两个重载的歧义:


static_cast<void (*)(int, int)>(&TESTDB::aaaa)