
How to filter a mixed-node graph on neighbor vertex types

这个问题是关于 Spark GraphX 的。我想通过删除与某些其他节点相邻的节点来计算子图。




              ┌─────│ A  │──────┐
              │     └────┘      │
              v                 v
┌────┐     ┌────┐            ┌────┐     ┌────┐
│ C1 │────>│ B  │            │ B  │<────│ C2 │
└────┘     └────┘            └────┘     └────┘
              ^                 ^
              │     ┌────┐      │
              └─────│ A  │──────┘


   ┌─────│ A  │
   │     └────┘
│ B  │         
   │     ┌────┐
   └─────│ A  │

如何优雅地编写 returns 输出图的 GraphX 查询?

一种解决方案是使用三元组视图来识别作为 C1 节点邻居的 B 节点子集。接下来,将它们与 A 节点合并。接下来,创建一个新图表:

// Step 1
// Compute the subset of B's that are neighbors with C1
val nodesBC1 = graph.triplets .
    filter {trip => trip.srcAttr == "C1"} .
    map {trip => (trip.dstId, trip.dstAttr)}

// Step 2    
// Union the subset B's with all the A's
val nodesAB = nodesBC1 .
    union(graph.vertices filter {case (id, label) => label == "A"})

// Step 3
// Create a graph using the subset nodes and all the original edges
// Remove nodes that have null values
val solution1 = Graph(nodesAB, graph.edges) .
    subgraph(vpred = {case(id, label) => label != null})

在第 1 步中,我通过将三元组视图的 dstID 和 dstAttr 映射在一起,重新创建了一个节点 RDD(包含 B 节点)。不确定这对于大型图的效率如何?

使用 GraphOps.collectNeighbors

查找 val nodesAB 的不同方法
val nodesAB = graph.collectNeighbors(EdgeDirection.Either)
  .filter{case (vid,ns) => ! ns.map(_._2).contains("C2")}.map(_._1)
      .filter{case (vid,attr) => ! attr.toString.startsWith("C") }.map(_._1)


val solution1 = Graph(nodesAB, graph.edges) .
subgraph(vpred = {case(id, label) => label != null})

如果你想使用 DataFrame,它可能(?)更具可扩展性,那么首先我们需要将 nodesAB 变成一个 DataFrame:

val newNodes = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
  StructType(Array(StructField("newNode", LongType, false)))

并且您创建了 DataFrame 并以此为基础:

val edgeDf = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
  graph.edges.map{edge => Row(edge.srcId, edge.dstId, edge.attr)}, 
    StructField("srcId", LongType, false),
    StructField("dstId", LongType, false),
    StructField("attr", LongType, false)


val solution1 = Graph(
  .join(newNodes, $"srcId" === $"newNode").select($"srcId", $"dstId", $"attr")
  .join(newNodes, $"dstId" === $"newNode")
  .rdd.map(row => Edge(row.getLong(0), row.getLong(1), row.getLong(2)))

这是另一种解决方案。此解决方案使用 aggregateMessages 将整数 (1) 发送到应从图中删除的那些 B。生成的顶点集与图形连接,随后的子图调用从输出图形中删除不需要的 B。

// Step 1: send the message (1) to vertices that should be removed   
val deleteMe = graph.aggregateMessages[Int](
    ctx => {
      if (ctx.dstAttr.equals("B") && ctx.srcAttr.equals("C")) {
        ctx.sendToDst(1) // 1 means delete, but number is not actually used
    (a,b) => a  // choose either message, they are all (1)

  // Step 2: join vertex sets, original and deleteMe
  val joined = graph.outerJoinVertices(deleteMe) {
    (id, origValue, msgValue ) => msgValue match {
      case Some(number) => "deleteme"  // vertex received msg
      case None => origValue

  // Step 3: Remove nodes with domain = deleteme
  joined.subgraph(vpred = (id, data) => data.equals("deleteme"))

我正在考虑一种只使用一个中间删除标志的方法,例如"deleteme",而不是 1 和 "deleteme"。但这是我到目前为止能做到的好事。