我如何在 BigCommerce 中获取有关商店用户的信息?

How can I get information about store users in BigCommerce?


例如:Shopify 提供用户 api https://help.shopify.com/en/api/reference/plus/user 提供这些端点

GET /admin/api/2019-04/users.json
Retrieves a list of all users
GET /admin/api/2019-04/users/#{user_id}.json
Retrieves a single user

BigCommerce 中是否存在这种情况?

看来我可以通过市场应用程序中的加载请求来确定用户具有什么角色的唯一方法。 https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-docs/getting-started/building-apps-bigcommerce/building-apps#building-apps_processing-signed-payload

Request Type = Load

Multiple users enabled

Compare the user information to see if it matches that of the store owner, received at the time of app installation or that of an existing user. If the user information does not match either of these, then it represents a new user that you should add to your database or other storage.

你是对的——应用加载响应会告诉你激活应用的用户是店主还是其他用户角色,但没有 API 请求控制面板用户的端点' 权限。在客户端,该信息是加密的。应用加载响应将是您以编程方式进行区分的最佳选择。