
get a field value in model, dictionary style

我想通过将字段名称作为字符串传递给函数来获取模型中字段的值,就像使用 python 字典 dict.get(key) 完成的那样,我在模型中定义了一个函数,如:

def get(self, key):
    key = key.replace('_', '.')
    return self.__dict__.get('_prefetch').get(key)

我的问题是,odoo 模型中是否有预定义的函数可以做到这一点,如果没有,我该如何以更 pythonic 的方式做到这一点? 提前致谢。

Odoo 的 BaseModel class 已经实现 __getitem__1 允许使用 "named indeces": recordset['field_name']

来自 Odoo 12.0 odoo.models.BaseModel:

def __getitem__(self, key):
    """ If ``key`` is an integer or a slice, return the corresponding record
        selection as an instance (attached to ``self.env``).
        Otherwise read the field ``key`` of the first record in ``self``.


            inst = model.search(dom)    # inst is a recordset
            r4 = inst[3]                # fourth record in inst
            rs = inst[10:20]            # subset of inst
            nm = rs['name']             # name of first record in inst
    if isinstance(key, pycompat.string_types):
        # important: one must call the field's getter
        return self._fields[key].__get__(self, type(self))
    elif isinstance(key, slice):
        return self._browse(self._ids[key], self.env)
        return self._browse((self._ids[key],), self.env)


1 有关泛型类型的更多信息 click here