如何提供 2 个不同的 IP 范围? --pod-network-cidr= 用于多个 IP 范围

How to provide for 2 different IP ranges? --pod-network-cidr= for multiple IP ranges

我在同一网络中有 2 个不同的 IP 集。我的 kubeadm 与我的其他节点位于不同的 IP 范围内。我该如何设置这里的属性:kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=

cat /etc/hosts
#kubernetes slaves  ebdp-ch2-d587p.sys.***.net,  ebdp-ch2-d588p.sys.***.net kubemaster kube2 kube3

--pod-network-cidr 用于 kubernetes 将管理的 pods 的 IP。与集群节点无关

对于节点,要求是(from Kubernetes doc):

Full network connectivity between all machines in the cluster (public or private network is fine)

除了@Yavuz Sert 回答之外,--pod-network-cidr 标志标识容器网络接口(CNI) IP pool for Pods communication purpose within a Kubernetes cluster. You have to choose some separate IP subnet for Pod networking, it has to be different against your current given network sets. Since --pod-network-cidr has successfully applied kube-proxy 反映 Pod IP 子网并通过集群覆盖网络为 Pods 之间的网络通信添加适当的路由. 事实上你可以找到 clusterCIDR 标志与 kube-proxy configmap 对应 --pod-network-cidr.