Swift5 CoreStore CoreStore.fetchAll() 抛出错误

Swift5 CoreStore CoreStore.fetchAll() throws error

我正在使用 CoreStore CoreData 包装器和 Swift 5

import CoreStore

public class Post: NSManagedObject {


extension Post {

    @nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<Post> {
        return NSFetchRequest<Post>(entityName: "Post")

    @NSManaged public var detail: String?
    @NSManaged public var sync: Server?
    @NSManaged public var time: Time?


extension Post {
    static var allPosts: [Post] {
        var posts :  [Post] = []
        do {
            posts = try CoreStore.fetchAll(From<Post>().tweak({ [=11=].includesPendingChanges = false }))
        } catch {
        return posts


let posts = Post.allPosts


⚠️ [CoreStore: Error] From.swift:155 applyToFetchRequest(_:context:applyAffectedStores:) ↪︎ Attempted to perform a fetch but could not find any persistent store for the entity (CoreStore.CoreStoreError) .persistentStoreNotFound ( .errorDomain = "com.corestore.error"; .errorCode = 8; .entity = Post; )


DispatchQueue.main.async { 
   let posts = Post.allPosts 