在没有 instanceof 的情况下使用由超类集合的子类实现的接口

Using interface implemented by subclass from a superclass collection without instanceof

我正在编写一个 2D 小游戏,所有游戏元素都是 GameObject 的子class。 class 游戏有一个 GameObject 集合。我的问题是,当玩家执行一个动作时,我通过 GameObject 的集合来找到玩家面前的东西,然后我只想使用由 GameObject 的 subclasses 实现的接口方法而不使用instanceof 和铸造。

Here is a (very) simplified class-diagram of the situation

我试图实现访问者模式,但我希望函数 visit()ActivableObstacle 作为参数而不是 TVWall.


class Game {
    private ArrayList<GameObject> gameObjects;
    public void actionPerformed(...) {
        GameObject current;
        //find the focused Game object

        //What's easiest but I don't want
        if(gameObjects instanceOf Obstacle) {
            ((Obstacle) current).aMethod()
        } else if (gameObjects instanceOf Activable) {
            ((Activable) current).activate()

        //What visitor allow me
        public void watchVisit(TV tv) {
        public void hitVisit(Wall w) {

        //What I want
        public void activableVisit(Activable a) {
        public void walkVisit(Obstacle o) {


class GameObject {
    public void acceptWatch(Game g) {
        //Do nothing, only implemented in class TV
    //Same with wall


class TV extends Item implements Activable {
    public void acceptWatch(Game g) {
        //this works if watchVisit take a "TV" but not if it's a "Activable"
    public void watch() {


与其在 GameObject 中为 watchTV()hitWall() 创建所有这些单独的方法,不如在 GameObject Abstract 中使用任何公共变量( nameactivatableobstacle 等)与一个名为 doButtonOneActivity().

Abstract 方法

然后制作您的其他对象,如 TVWall,扩展 GameObject 并覆盖 doButtonOneActivity() 方法,无论单击时该特定项目会做什么。

现在您的 Game class 只需在 GameObject 上调用 doButtonOneActivity() 对象本身就会知道它需要做什么,而无需您手动做到这一点。



public class Game implements Serializable, IClusterable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private ArrayList<GameObject> gameObjects;

    public void actionPerformed(GameObject current) {

        // Let the object do whatever it's supposed to do on button press, in either case.

            // Do whatever extra thing you need to do if this one is Activatable...
            System.out.println("Hey, this thing is activatable!");
        } else if (current.isObstacle()){
            // Do something an obstacle needs you to do
            System.out.println("Hey, this thing is an obstacle!");


抽象的 GameObject。

public abstract class GameObject implements Serializable, IClusterable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public String name;
    private boolean activatable;
    private boolean obstacle;

    public GameObject(String name, boolean activatable, boolean obstacle) {
        this.name = name;
        this.activatable = activatable;
        this.obstacle = obstacle;

    public abstract void doButtonOneActivity();

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public boolean isActivatable() {
        return activatable;

    public void setActivatable(boolean activatable) {
        this.activatable = activatable;

    public boolean isObstacle() {
        return obstacle;

    public void setObstacle(boolean obstacle) {
        this.obstacle = obstacle;


public class TV extends GameObject implements Serializable, IClusterable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public TV(String name, boolean activatable, boolean obstacle) {
        super(name, activatable, obstacle);

    public void doButtonOneActivity() {
            // do whatever I need to do as a TV when I am activated...
           if (isObstacle()){
            // do whatever I need to do as a TV when I am activated as an obstacle...
           System.out.println("I'm a TV and I was called. My name is: " + getName()); 



public class Wall extends GameObject implements Serializable, IClusterable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public Wall(String name, boolean activatable, boolean obstacle) {
        super(name, activatable, obstacle);

    public void doButtonOneActivity() {    
         // do whatever I need to do as a Wall when I am activated...
        if (isObstacle()){
         // do whatever I need to do as a Wall when I am activated as an obstacle...
        System.out.println("I'm a wall and I was called. My name is: " + getName()); 


我认为很难找到一个问题的唯一答案。它涉及到设计和意图,并且总是需要权衡 space,很少有明确的答案。

不过我觉得你应该看看Composite Pattern。复合模式本质上采用一组不同的对象,并以相同的方式对待它们。它通过在所有更高级别的对象 Component 上实现所有接口来实现这一点,以便所有对象都继承一组通用的方法和属性。

在您的示例中,您可以将 GameObject 定义为您的组件,并实现 ObstacleActivatable 接口。还要添加一些辅助方法,例如 isObstacleisActivatable,这样您就可以在不强制转换的情况下进行测试。现在您可以让访问者遍历列表并且只对某些对象执行操作,这就是我认为您所追求的。