mysql 使用维度和引号对字符串进行排序

mysql sort string with dimensions and quotes

我正在尝试对包含字母、数字和引号的字段进行排序,但我无法按顺序获得结果。 table 中的一个字段(命名为 name)有这样的数据,虽然没有按所示排序:

    6"w x 9"h 
    6"w x 10"h 
    7"w x 8"h 
    7"w x 9"h 
    7"w x 10"h 
    7"w x 21"h 
    10"w x 10"h


    select name from my_table order by name;


    10"w x 10"h
    6"w x 10"h
    6"w x 9"h 
    7"w x 10"h
    7"w x 21"h
    7"w x 8"h 
    7"w x 9"h  


    order by name * 1

    order by name + 0

    order by CAST(name AS DECIMAL(10,2))

    order by length(name), name

    order by  CAST(SUBSTR(name, 0, LOCATE('w', name) - 1) AS int),
    CAST(SUBSTR(name FROM (LOCATE('h', name) - 1)) AS int)


    6"w x 9"h 
    6"w x 10"h 
    7"w x 10"h 
    7"w x 21"h 
    7"w x 9"h 
    7"w x 8"h 
    10"w x 10"h 


    6"w x 9"h 
    6"w x 10"h 
    7"w x 8"h 
    7"w x 9"h 
    7"w x 10"h 
    7"w x 21"h 
    10"w x 10"h 


ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTR(name, 1, LOCATE('"w', name) - 1) AS signed),
    CAST(SUBSTR(name, LOCATE('x', name) + 1, LOCATE('"h', name) - LOCATE('x', name) -1) AS signed)

在MySQL 8.x中可以使用REGEXP_SUBSTR()函数提取可变长度的复杂表达式:

select dimension 
from (
    cast(regexp_substr(dimension, '[0-9]+') as int) as w,
    cast(substr(regexp_substr(dimension, 'x +[0-9]+'), 3, 10) as int) as h
  from t
order by w, h