如何使用 pytest tmpdir.as_cwd 获取临时路径

How to get the temporary path using pytest tmpdir.as_cwd


def test_something(tmpdir):
    with tmpdir.as_cwd() as p:
        print('here', p)

我原以为 pos.getcwd() 会给出相同的结果。但实际上,p 指向测试文件的目录,而 os.getcwd() 指向预期的临时文件。


From the documentation:

You can use the tmpdir fixture which will provide a temporary directory unique to the test invocation, created in the base temporary directory.

然而,getcwd 代表获取当前工作目录,returns 代表您的 python 进程已启动的目录。


return context manager which changes to current dir during the managed "with" context. On __enter__ it returns the old dir.


def test_something(tmpdir):
    print('current directory where you are before changing it:', os.getcwd())
    # the current directory will be changed now
    with tmpdir.as_cwd() as old_dir:
        print('old directory where you were before:', old_dir)
        print('current directory where you are now:', os.getcwd())
    print('you now returned to the old current dir', os.getcwd())

请记住,您的示例中的 p 不是您要更改到的 "new" 当前目录,而是您更改前的 "old" 目录。