你能举一个供私人使用的 URN 的例子吗

Can you give an example of a URN for private-use



The leading urn: sequence is case-insensitive. <NID> is the namespace identifier, which determines the syntactic interpretation of <NSS>, the namespace-specific string. The functional requirements for uniform resource names are described in RFC 1737.[5]


然后它继续说实验性 NID 是前缀 X- 但接着说:

RFC 6648 deprecates the use of "X-" notation for new ID names, but makes no recommendation on substituting existing "X-" names, and does not override existing specifications that require the use of "X-". [7]



我的直觉说 x- 前缀没有任何好处,因为两个开发人员可以很容易地开始使用 urn:x-foo,这与他们刚刚选择的没有任何不同urn:foo,除了很明显它没有在 IANA 正式注册。


As far as I know, RFC 6648 does not make experimental NIDs (as defined by RFC 3406)无效。

draft for the next RFC about URNs(目前)已按照 RFC 6648 的建议删除了实验性 NID(使使用 x- 的 URN 无效)。

My gut says that the x- prefix doesn't gain anything because two developers could just as easily start using urn:x-foo and it wouldn't be any different to if they'd just chosen urn:foo, except perhaps that it'd be clear that it wasn't officially registered with IANA.

好吧,RFC 3406 defines

No provision is made for avoiding collision of experimental NIDs


intended for use within internal or limited experimental contexts.

因此,首先,您不应该以其他方(不了解您的 use/definition 这些实验性 NID)会遇到它们的方式使用实验性 NID。
或者换句话说:实验性 NID 的冲突应该没有问题,因为每一方都应该只在内部或实验性地使用它们,并且不应该期望能够对不受他们控制的实验性 NID 做任何有用的事情。


  • 如果您只想将 URN 用于私人目的,您仍然可以使用 X- NID(遵循 RFC 3406),直到它被新的 RFC 废弃。或者,您可以从 example NID.

    生成 URN
  • 如果您想使用 URN publicly/seriously,您希望它们是唯一的(避免冲突)和定义的(使它们对其他作者和消费者有用)。这就是 URN 的全部意义,对吧?为此,您必须注册您的 NID。

  • 不想注册就不要用URN。还有许多其他 URI schemes available (e.g., Tag URIs 浮现在脑海中)。