Kusto 查询以按总数的百分比显示摘要
Kusto query to show summary by percent of totals
我正在尝试获取失败总数百分比的摘要,请参阅下面的查询。这很好,但我希望它显示 Vendor1=0.5 和 Vendor2=0.5(50% 失败),而不仅仅是 Vendor1=1 (一次失败为 0),Vendor2=2(两次失败为 0)
datatable (Vendor:string, failure:int)
"Vendor2", 7,
"Vendor2", 1]
| where failure == 0
| summarize Failures=count() by Vendor
datatable (Vendor:string, failure:int)
"Vendor2", 7,
"Vendor2", 1]
| summarize Failures=countif(failure == 0), Total=count() by Vendor
| extend Result=Failures*1.0/Total
datatable (Vendor:string, failure:int)
"Vendor2", 7,
"Vendor2", 1]
| summarize Result = 1.0*countif(failure==0)/count() by Vendor
我正在尝试获取失败总数百分比的摘要,请参阅下面的查询。这很好,但我希望它显示 Vendor1=0.5 和 Vendor2=0.5(50% 失败),而不仅仅是 Vendor1=1 (一次失败为 0),Vendor2=2(两次失败为 0)
datatable (Vendor:string, failure:int)
"Vendor2", 7,
"Vendor2", 1]
| where failure == 0
| summarize Failures=count() by Vendor
datatable (Vendor:string, failure:int)
"Vendor2", 7,
"Vendor2", 1]
| summarize Failures=countif(failure == 0), Total=count() by Vendor
| extend Result=Failures*1.0/Total
datatable (Vendor:string, failure:int)
"Vendor2", 7,
"Vendor2", 1]
| summarize Result = 1.0*countif(failure==0)/count() by Vendor