员工轮班问题 - link 任务一起

Employees shift problem - link missions together

我有一个 Employee 的列表和一个 Mission 的列表。 每个任务都有开始时间和持续时间。

在 cp 模型(Google CpSat,来自 or-tools 包)中,我定义了 shifts = Dictionary<(int,int),IntVar>,其中 shifts[(missionId, employeeId)] == 1 当且仅当此任务由该员工实现。




linkedMissions = {{1,2}, {3,4,5}}



foreach (var employee in listEmployeesIds)
foreach (var missionGroup in linkedMissionsIds)
    var linkedShifts = shifts
        .Where(o => o.Key.Item2 == employee
                    && missionGroup.Contains(o.Key.Item1))
        .Select(o => o.Value)

    for (var i = 0; i < linkedShifts.Count - 1; i++) 
        model.Add(linkedShifts[i] == linkedShifts[i + 1]);



作为另一种方法,正如@Laurent Perron 所建议的,我尝试对必须在一起的所有班次使用相同的布尔变量:

var constraintBools = new List<IntVar>();

foreach (var missionGroup in linkedMissionsIds) {
    var constraintBools = new List<IntVar>();
    foreach (var employee in listEmployeesIds)
        var linkedShifts = shifts
          .Where(o => o.Key.Item2 == employee
                    && missionGroup.Contains(o.Key.Item1))
          .Select(o => o.Value)

        var constraint = model.NewBoolVar($"{linkedShifts.GetHashCode()}");




我能够实施您的方法(在 Python 中)并且它似乎有效,所以问题似乎出在代码的其他部分,或者实施中的某些技术问题,与求解器和条件直接无关(例如,与@Ian Mercer 在评论中提出的惰性函数调用相关)。


model = cp_model.CpModel()

employees = 35
tasks = 25

# 3 non overlapping groups of linked tasks (as an example)
linkedTasks = [[t+1 for t in range(tasks) if t%5 == 0], 
    [t for t in range(tasks) if t%9 == 0], 
    [22, 23, 24]]

#semi random durations, 1-6
task_durations = [t%6+1 for t in range(tasks)]
MAX_TIME = sum(task_durations)

#employee shift assignment: shifts[e,t] == 1 iff task t is assigned to employee e
shifts = {}
for e in range(employees):
    for t in range(tasks):
        shifts[e, t] = model.NewBoolVar('shift_%i_%i' % (e, t))

# task intervals. Intervals are optional - interval [e, t] is only in effect if 
# task t is performed by employee e        
task_starts = {}
task_ends = {}
task_intervals = {}
for e in range(employees):
    for t in range(tasks):
        task_starts[e, t] = model.NewIntVar(0, MAX_TIME, 'task_starts_%i_%i' % (e, t))
        task_ends[e, t] = model.NewIntVar(0, MAX_TIME, 'task_ends_%i_%i' % (e, t))
        task_intervals[e, t] = model.NewOptionalIntervalVar(task_starts[e, t], task_durations[t], task_ends[e, t], shifts[e, t], 'interval_%i_%i' % (e, t))

# employees tasks cannot overlap        
for e in range(employees):
    model.AddNoOverlap(task_intervals[e, t] for t in range(tasks))
# all tasks must be realized
model.Add(sum(shifts[e, t] for e in range(employees) for t in range(tasks)) == tasks)

# each task is assigned exactly once
for t in range(tasks):
    model.Add(sum(shifts[e, t] for e in range(employees)) == 1)

# make sure linked tasks are performed by the same employee (each consecutive pair of tasks in l, l[t] and l[t+1], 
# must both be performed by the same user e, or not both not performed by the user)
# Note: this condition can be written more elegantly, but I tried to stick to the way the question was framed
for l in linkedTasks:
    for t in range(len(l)-1):
        for e in range(employees):
            model.Add(shifts[e, l[t]] == shifts[e, l[t+1]])

# Goal: makespan (end of last task)
obj_var = model.NewIntVar(0, MAX_TIME, 'makespan')
model.AddMaxEquality(obj_var, [
    task_ends[e, t] for e in range(employees) for t in range(tasks)

solver = cp_model.CpSolver()

solver.parameters.log_search_progress = True     
solver.parameters.num_search_workers = 8
solver.parameters.max_time_in_seconds = 30

result_status = solver.Solve(model)

if (result_status == cp_model.INFEASIBLE): 
    print('No feasible solution under constraints')
elif (result_status == cp_model.OPTIMAL):
    print('Optimal result found, makespan=%i' % (solver.ObjectiveValue()))
elif (result_status == cp_model.FEASIBLE):                        
    print('Feasible (non optimal) result found')
    print('No feasible solution found under constraints within time')  

for e in range(employees):
    for t in range(tasks):
        if (solver.Value(shifts[e, t]) > 0):
            print('employee %i-> task %i (start: %i, end: %i)' % (e, t, solver.Value(task_starts[e, t]), solver.Value(task_ends[e, t])))

