.NET Compact Framework 中的触发按钮单击

Trigger button click in .NET Compact Framework

假设我有一个包含许多 Button 和 PictureBox 控件的面板。每个控件都有一个关联的 Click 事件。这是一个触摸屏应用程序,因此用户的点击可能有点不精确(或者触摸屏校准可能不完美)。因此,我想处理面板上的点击事件,然后在点击接近 button/picture.

时以编程方式调用 Button 或 PictureBox 的 Click 事件

许多其他答案建议使用 "PerformClick" 事件,但这在 Compact Framework 中不受支持。还有其他选择吗?我的代码:

private void pnlButtons_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Point ptClick = Control.MousePosition;
    foreach (Control cntrl in pnlButtons.Controls)
        // Make sure the control is visible!
        if (cntrl.Visible)
            // Click close to control?
            if ((ptClick.X > (cntrl.Left - 5)) &&
                (ptClick.X < (cntrl.Right + 5)) &&
                (ptClick.Y > (cntrl.Top - 5)) &&
                (ptClick.Y < (cntrl.Bottom + 5)))
                // Click Button or PictureBox without cntrl.PerformClick?


private void pnlButtons_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Point ptClick = Control.MousePosition;
    foreach (Control cntrl in pnlButtons.Controls)
        // Make sure the control is visible!
        if (cntrl.Visible)
            // Click close to control?
            if ((ptClick.X > (cntrl.Left - 5)) &&
                (ptClick.X < (cntrl.Right + 5)) &&
                (ptClick.Y > (cntrl.Top - 5)) &&
                (ptClick.Y < (cntrl.Bottom + 5)))
private void MyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
void PerformActionsOnClick()
    //do your stuff here

由于您不能使用 PerformClick,在这种情况下您将无法依赖控件的 Click 事件处理程序自动触发。相反,只需创建一个方法来获取控件并从该控件中找出要采取的操作。示例:

private void pnlButtons_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Point ptClick = Control.MousePosition;
    foreach (Control cntrl in pnlButtons.Controls)
        // Make sure the control is visible!
        if (cntrl.Visible)
            // Click close to control?
            if ((ptClick.X > (cntrl.Left - 5)) &&
                (ptClick.X < (cntrl.Right + 5)) &&
                (ptClick.Y > (cntrl.Top - 5)) &&
                (ptClick.Y < (cntrl.Bottom + 5)))
                handleClick (cntrl);

private void handleClick(Control c)
    if (c == button1)
        // handle button1 click, e.g. by calling its `Click` handler
    else if (c == picureBox1)
        // handle pictureBox1 click
    // et cetera

首先,尝试子类化按钮并从您自己的 PerformClick 中调用点击事件。否则,您可以编写一个接受按钮并执行单击的方法。首先获取控件的句柄,然后 p/invoke windows API 函数向其发送 mousedown 然后 mouseup 事件。我相信这是 SendMessage 函数。然后你所要做的就是编写逻辑来找到最近的按钮并将它传递给函数。或者,将其写为 Button



编辑: 下面是通过向控件发送 mousedown 和 mouseup 消息来模拟点击的完整代码:

// Windows constants for mouse messages
private const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN        = 0x0201;
private const int WM_LBUTTONUP          = 0x0202;

// P/Invoke for SendMessage
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int nMsg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

// Method to click a control
public void ClickControl(IntPtr hWnd)
    // Send a MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP message to the control to simulate a click
    SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
    SendMessage(hWnd, WM_LBUTTONUP, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

// Method to handle click event on parent Panel control
private void pnlButtons_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // See if the click point is close to a (visible) button and if so, click the button.
    // The user was probably a little imprecise or the screen might need re-calibration.
    Point pt = pnlButtons.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

    // Now look for any Button / PictureBox controls nearby
    foreach (Control cntrl in pnlButtons.Controls)
        Rectangle inflated = cntrl.Bounds;
        inflated.Inflate(4, 5);
        if (cntrl.Visible && inflated.Contains(pt))
            // Simulate a click on the control