如何解析 yaml 列表中的嵌套字典?

How to parse nested dictionary inside a list in yaml?

我正在解析 YAML 文件以搜索任意键的值。目前我可以在第一级解析任何字典,但不能解析嵌套字典。

我尝试修改 中的示例以解析列表中的字典,但这会导致错误:

AttributeError: 'CommentedSeq' object has no attribute 'items'

当查看 http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ 的规范输出时,它显示有一张地图和一个序列,我一直无法解释。



示例 YAML 文件:https://pastebin.com/BhwyPa7V



def dict_walker(node, pattern, path=None):
    path = path if path is not None else ""
    for key, value in node.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            dict_walker(value, pattern=pattern, path=f"{path}/{key}")
        elif value == pattern:
            if action == "enc":
                node[key] = input(f"Input a value for {path}/{key}: ")
                vault_write(node[key], path, key)
            elif (action == "dec") or (action == "view") or (action == "edit"):
                value = vault_read(path, key)
                node[key] = value


def dict_walker(node, pattern, path=None):
    path = path if path is not None else ""
    for key, value in node.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            dict_walker(value, pattern=pattern, path=f"{path}/{key}")
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            for item in value:
                for value in dict_walker(value, pattern=pattern, path=f"{path}/{key}"):
                    if value == pattern:
                        if action == "enc":
                            node[key] = input(f"Input a value for {path}/{key}: ")
                            vault_write(node[key], path, key)
                        elif (action == "dec") or (action == "view") or (action == "edit"):
                            value = vault_read(path, key)
                            node[key] = value
        elif value == pattern:
            if action == "enc":
                node[key] = input(f"Input a value for {path}/{key}: ")
                vault_write(node[key], path, key)
            elif (action == "dec") or (action == "view") or (action == "edit"):
                value = vault_read(path, key)
                node[key] = value




  1. 使用未修改的代码,列表中的值根本看不到。

  2. 使用修改后的代码,存在CommentedSeq导致的属性错误。目前还不清楚为什么它没有被解析为列表。

正如我在您链接的答案中指出的那样,解析已完全完成 甚至在 yaml.load() 方法 returns 之前。你所做的是 遍历加载的数据。

您的 dict_walker() 基于 find() 函数,该函数仅适用于 来自 the question 的无趣 YAML 输入 我回答了。它假定 YAML:

only consists of (plain) scalars that are strings, mappings, and mapping keys that are scalars.

那里介绍的lookup函数可以处理序列,所以就是 你的 dict_walker() 功能需要基于什么(以及 你拥有的功能有一个合适的名字:它只能走过去 在节点上调用 .items() 方法的字典假设 nodedict).

假设文件 input.yaml 中的 YAML 示例 完成树并到达嵌套在列表中的字典(从嵌套的映射创建 在 YAML 中的序列内):

import sys
from pathlib import Path
import ruamel.yaml

in_file = Path('input.yaml')

action = "view"

def vault_read(path, key):
    # dummy function to show functionality
    vault = {
        ("/spec/acme", "email"): "repl_0",
        ("/spec/acme/dns01/providers/0/cloudflare", "email"): "repl_1",
        ("/spec/acme/dns01/providers/0/cloudflare/apiKeySecretRef", "key"): 42,
    return vault.get((path, key), "not found")

def walk_data(node, pattern, path=None):
   if path is None:
       path = ""
   if isinstance(node, dict):
       for key, value in node.items():
           if value == pattern:
               if action == "enc":
                   node[key] = input(f"Input a value for {path}/{key}: ")
                   vault_write(node[key], path, key)
               elif (action == "dec") or (action == "view") or (action == "edit"):
                   node[key] = vault_read(path, key)
               walk_data(value, pattern, path=f"{path}/{key}")
   elif isinstance(node, list):
       for idx, item in enumerate(node):
           walk_data(item, pattern, path=f"{path}/{idx}")

yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
data = yaml.load(in_file)

walk_data(data, "changeme")

yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)


apiVersion: certmanager.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: letsencrypt-production
    # You must replace this email address with your own.
    # Let's Encrypt will use this to contact you about expiring
    # certificates, and issues related to your account.
    email: repl_0
    server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
      # Secret resource used to store the account's private key.
      name: letsencrypt-production
    # Enable the HTTP01 challenge mechanism for this Issuer
      - name: prod-cloudflare
          email: repl_1
            name: cloudflare-api-key-secret
            key: 42