PyTorch 中的标签平滑

Label Smoothing in PyTorch

我正在使用迁移学习为 Stanford Cars 数据集构建 ResNet-18 分类模型。我想实施 label smoothing 来惩罚过度自信的预测并提高泛化能力。

TensorFlowCrossEntropyLoss 中有一个简单的关键字参数。有没有人为 PyTorch 构建了一个我可以即插即用的类似功能?



这里有两个 PyTorch 实现的例子:

我一直在寻找源自 _Loss 的选项,就像 PyTorch 中的其他损失 类 一样,并尊重 reduction 等基本参数。不幸的是,我找不到直接的替代品,所以最终自己写了。不过,我还没有对此进行全面测试:

import torch
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _WeightedLoss
import torch.nn.functional as F

class SmoothCrossEntropyLoss(_WeightedLoss):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, reduction='mean', smoothing=0.0):
        super().__init__(weight=weight, reduction=reduction)
        self.smoothing = smoothing
        self.weight = weight
        self.reduction = reduction

    def _smooth_one_hot(targets:torch.Tensor, n_classes:int, smoothing=0.0):
        assert 0 <= smoothing < 1
        with torch.no_grad():
            targets = torch.empty(size=(targets.size(0), n_classes),
                    device=targets.device) \
                .fill_(smoothing /(n_classes-1)) \
                .scatter_(1,, 1.-smoothing)
        return targets

    def forward(self, inputs, targets):
        targets = SmoothCrossEntropyLoss._smooth_one_hot(targets, inputs.size(-1),
        lsm = F.log_softmax(inputs, -1)

        if self.weight is not None:
            lsm = lsm * self.weight.unsqueeze(0)

        loss = -(targets * lsm).sum(-1)

        if  self.reduction == 'sum':
            loss = loss.sum()
        elif  self.reduction == 'mean':
            loss = loss.mean()

        return loss


标签平滑 PyTorch 实现 参考:

import torch.nn.functional as F

def linear_combination(x, y, epsilon):
    return epsilon * x + (1 - epsilon) * y

def reduce_loss(loss, reduction='mean'):
    return loss.mean() if reduction == 'mean' else loss.sum() if reduction == 'sum' else loss

class LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, epsilon: float = 0.1, reduction='mean'):
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.reduction = reduction

    def forward(self, preds, target):
        n = preds.size()[-1]
        log_preds = F.log_softmax(preds, dim=-1)
        loss = reduce_loss(-log_preds.sum(dim=-1), self.reduction)
        nll = F.nll_loss(log_preds, target, reduction=self.reduction)
        return linear_combination(loss / n, nll, self.epsilon)

多 class 神经网络的泛化和学习速度通常可以通过使用作为 加权平均值的 软目标 显着提高硬目标和标签上的均匀分布。以这种方式平滑标签可防止网络变得过于自信,标签平滑已用于许多最先进的模型,包括图像 classification、语言翻译和语音识别。

标签平滑 已经在 Tensorflow 的交叉熵损失函数中实现。 BinaryCrossentropy, CategoricalCrossentropy. But currently, there is no official implementation of Label Smoothing in PyTorch. However, there is going an active discussion on it and hopefully, it will be provided with an official package. Here is that discussion thread: Issue #7455.

在这里,我们将从 PyTorch 从业者那里带来一些可用的 标签平滑 (LS) 的最佳实现。基本上,有很多方法可以实现LS。关于这个请参考这个具体的讨论,一个是here, and another here。在这里,我们将以 2 独特的方式实现,每个方式有两个版本;所以总共 4.

选项 1:CrossEntropyLossWithProbs

这样,它就接受了one-hot目标向量。用户必须手动平滑他们的目标向量。它可以在 with torch.no_grad() 范围内完成,因为它暂时将所有 requires_grad 标志设置为 false。

  1. Devin Yang: Source
import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _WeightedLoss

class LabelSmoothingLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, classes, smoothing=0.0, dim=-1, weight = None):
        """if smoothing == 0, it's one-hot method
           if 0 < smoothing < 1, it's smooth method
        super(LabelSmoothingLoss, self).__init__()
        self.confidence = 1.0 - smoothing
        self.smoothing = smoothing
        self.weight = weight
        self.cls = classes
        self.dim = dim

    def forward(self, pred, target):
        assert 0 <= self.smoothing < 1
        pred = pred.log_softmax(dim=self.dim)

        if self.weight is not None:
            pred = pred * self.weight.unsqueeze(0)   

        with torch.no_grad():
            true_dist = torch.zeros_like(pred)
            true_dist.fill_(self.smoothing / (self.cls - 1))
            true_dist.scatter_(1,, self.confidence)
        return torch.mean(torch.sum(-true_dist * pred, dim=self.dim))

此外,我们在 self. smoothing 上添加了断言复选标记,并在此实现上添加了损失加权支持。

  1. Shital Shah:

Shital 已经在这里发布了答案。这里我们要指出的是,这个实现类似于 Devin Yang上面的实现。然而,这里我们提到他的代码,并最小化了一点 code syntax.

class SmoothCrossEntropyLoss(_WeightedLoss):
    def __init__(self, weight=None, reduction='mean', smoothing=0.0):
        super().__init__(weight=weight, reduction=reduction)
        self.smoothing = smoothing
        self.weight = weight
        self.reduction = reduction

    def k_one_hot(self, targets:torch.Tensor, n_classes:int, smoothing=0.0):
        with torch.no_grad():
            targets = torch.empty(size=(targets.size(0), n_classes),
                                  device=targets.device) \
                                  .fill_(smoothing /(n_classes-1)) \
                                  .scatter_(1,, 1.-smoothing)
        return targets

    def reduce_loss(self, loss):
        return loss.mean() if self.reduction == 'mean' else loss.sum() \
        if self.reduction == 'sum' else loss

    def forward(self, inputs, targets):
        assert 0 <= self.smoothing < 1

        targets = self.k_one_hot(targets, inputs.size(-1), self.smoothing)
        log_preds = F.log_softmax(inputs, -1)

        if self.weight is not None:
            log_preds = log_preds * self.weight.unsqueeze(0)

        return self.reduce_loss(-(targets * log_preds).sum(dim=-1))


import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _WeightedLoss

if __name__=="__main__":
    # 1. Devin Yang
    crit = LabelSmoothingLoss(classes=5, smoothing=0.5)
    predict = torch.FloatTensor([[0, 0.2, 0.7, 0.1, 0],
                                 [0, 0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], 
                                 [1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.9, 1]])
    v = crit(Variable(predict),
             Variable(torch.LongTensor([2, 1, 0])))

    # 2. Shital Shah
    crit = SmoothCrossEntropyLoss(smoothing=0.5)
    predict = torch.FloatTensor([[0, 0.2, 0.7, 0.1, 0],
                                 [0, 0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], 
                                 [1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.9, 1]])
    v = crit(Variable(predict),
             Variable(torch.LongTensor([2, 1, 0])))


选项 2:LabelSmoothingCrossEntropyLoss

由此,它接受目标向量并使用不手动平滑目标向量,而是内置模块负责标签平滑。它允许我们根据 F.nll_loss.


(一)。 Wangleiofficial: Source -(AFAIK),原始发帖者

(b)。 Datasaurus: Source - 添加了加权支持


class LabelSmoothingLoss(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, smoothing: float = 0.1, 
                 reduction="mean", weight=None):
        super(LabelSmoothingLoss, self).__init__()
        self.smoothing   = smoothing
        self.reduction = reduction
        self.weight    = weight

    def reduce_loss(self, loss):
        return loss.mean() if self.reduction == 'mean' else loss.sum() \
         if self.reduction == 'sum' else loss

    def linear_combination(self, x, y):
        return self.smoothing * x + (1 - self.smoothing) * y

    def forward(self, preds, target):
        assert 0 <= self.smoothing < 1

        if self.weight is not None:
            self.weight =

        n = preds.size(-1)
        log_preds = F.log_softmax(preds, dim=-1)
        loss = self.reduce_loss(-log_preds.sum(dim=-1))
        nll = F.nll_loss(
            log_preds, target, reduction=self.reduction, weight=self.weight
        return self.linear_combination(loss / n, nll)
  1. NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples: Source
class LabelSmoothing(nn.Module):
    """NLL loss with label smoothing.
    def __init__(self, smoothing=0.0):
        """Constructor for the LabelSmoothing module.
        :param smoothing: label smoothing factor
        super(LabelSmoothing, self).__init__()
        self.confidence = 1.0 - smoothing
        self.smoothing = smoothing

    def forward(self, x, target):
        logprobs = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(x, dim=-1)
        nll_loss = -logprobs.gather(dim=-1, index=target.unsqueeze(1))
        nll_loss = nll_loss.squeeze(1)
        smooth_loss = -logprobs.mean(dim=-1)
        loss = self.confidence * nll_loss + self.smoothing * smooth_loss
        return loss.mean()


if __name__=="__main__":
    # Wangleiofficial
    crit = LabelSmoothingLoss(smoothing=0.3, reduction="mean")
    predict = torch.FloatTensor([[0, 0.2, 0.7, 0.1, 0],
                                 [0, 0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], 
                                 [1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.9, 1]])

    v = crit(Variable(predict),
             Variable(torch.LongTensor([2, 1, 0])))

    # NVIDIA
    crit = LabelSmoothing(smoothing=0.3)
    predict = torch.FloatTensor([[0, 0.2, 0.7, 0.1, 0],
                                 [0, 0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], 
                                 [1, 0.2, 0.7, 0.9, 1]])
    v = crit(Variable(predict),
             Variable(torch.LongTensor([2, 1, 0])))


更新:Officially Added

torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=None, size_average=None, 
                          ignore_index=- 100, reduce=None, 
                          reduction='mean', label_smoothing=0.0)

这目前在 PyTorch 中没有正式实现,但已被提议作为高优先级 Feature Request #7455, and separately in TorchVision Issue #2980


以及一些非官方的 implementations/code 片段:

TensorFlow / Keras implementation tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(label_smoothing)

从 1.10.0 版本开始,Pytorch 正式支持 torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss 中的标签平滑和软目标。