如何将 url 参数传递给 javascript 文件中的异步函数,与 Node.js 的路由分开?

How do I pass my url params to async functions in javascript files separate from the route with Node.js?

我正在学习编码,并且正在为我的业务构建应用程序。我在我的表演路线上传递 url 参数时遇到问题。

我正在使用 Node.js 和 MySQL。该路线显示 7 个不同的报告,我将每个报告分解为单独的 js 文件,导出函数并调用 show 路线上的函数来显示页面。问题是我对每个函数的 MySQL 查询不是动态的,因为我无法访问每个单独的 js 文件中的 url 参数。

我已经尝试在 routes.js 页面上创建一个函数,但是请求未定义,因为每个请求都是在路由中声明的。我还尝试在各个 js 文件上使用 ${req.params.id},但 req 仍未定义。


router.get("/clients/:id/reports/monthlyreport/:marketplace/:month", function (req, res){
                                res.render("reports/show", {current: arr, math: math, units: arr1, cogs: arr2, mix: arr3, totals: arr4, yearCOGS: arr5, yearUnits: arr6, quarter: arr7});


这是 monthToMonth 函数:

module.exports = function monthToMonth(callback){
var q = `select 
    DATE_FORMAT(t1.period, '%Y-%m') as period,
    ROUND(t1.shipped_COGS,0) as shipped_COGS_current_month, 
    t1.shipped_units as shipped_units_current_month,
    t1.product_title as product_title_current_month, 
    t1.asin as asin_current_month,
    ROUND(t2.shipped_COGS,0) as shipped_COGS_past_month, 
    t2.shipped_units as shipped_units_past_month, 
    t2.product_title as product_title_past_month, 
    t2.asin as asin_past_month
    from all_months_ca t1
    join all_months_ca t2 on t1.asin = t2.asin
    where t1.client_id = 1 && t2.client_id  = 1 && (t1.shipped_units > 0 || t2.shipped_units > 0) && (DATE_FORMAT(t1.period, '%Y-%m') = '2019-05' && DATE_FORMAT(t2.period, '%Y-%m') = '2019-04')
    group by t1.asin
    order by shipped_COGS_current_month DESC;`
db.query(q, function(err, foundData){
    if(err) throw err;
    callback (foundData)


MySQL 查询当前在 WHERE 子句中硬编码了句点和 client_id,但我需要 url 参数来使查询动态化。我怎样才能将参数传递给这些js。文件?

为什么不在每个函数中传递 req 对象。

module.exports = function monthToMonth(req, callback){
var q = `select 
   DATE_FORMAT(t1.period, '%Y-%m') as req.params.month,
   ROUND(t1.shipped_COGS,0) as shipped_COGS_current_month, 
   t1.shipped_units as shipped_units_current_month,
   t1.product_title as product_title_current_month, 
   t1.asin as asin_current_month,
   ROUND(t2.shipped_COGS,0) as shipped_COGS_past_month, 
   t2.shipped_units as shipped_units_past_month, 
   t2.product_title as product_title_past_month, 
   t2.asin as asin_past_month
   from all_months_ca t1
   join all_months_ca t2 on t1.asin = t2.asin
   where t1.client_id = 1 && t2.client_id  = 1 && (t1.shipped_units > 0 || t2.shipped_units > 0) && (DATE_FORMAT(t1.period, '%Y-%m') = '2019-05' &&    DATE_FORMAT(t2.period, '%Y-%m') = '2019-04')
   group by t1.asin
   order by shipped_COGS_current_month DESC;`
   db.query(q, function(err, foundData){
      if(err) throw err;
      callback (foundData)

并像 -

 router.get("/clients/:id/reports/monthlyreport/:marketplace/:month", function (req, res){
  monthToMonth(req, function(arr){
  // call remaining function in same way.
  topSkuUnitsMonth(req, function(arr1){
})  })