windows phone 8.1 bing 映射聚类

windows phone 8.1 bing maps clustering

您好,我正在使用 this link and i have a MapLayer with multiple MapOverlays with differents pois on map. And i want to do the clustering thing. I try to do this 中描述的 windows 地图控件,但不存在 ClusteringLayer,也没有图钉。我该怎么做聚类?

var cluster = new ClusteringLayer();

layer = new ClusteringLayer(Mymap)
            ClusterRadius = 10,
            ClusterType = ClusteringType.Grid

//Add event handlers to create the pushpins 
layer.CreateClusteredItemPushpin += CreateClusteredItemPushpin1;

    private MapOverlay layer_CreateItemPushpin(object item, ClusteredPoint clusterInfo)
        var x = clusterInfo.Location;
        var poi = new BuildingPoi { Coordinate = x, Buid = _selectedBuild };
        var imagePoiLocation = new Image
            Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Assets/MapPin.png", UriKind.Relative)),
            DataContext = poi

        var over = new MapOverlay();

        imagePoiLocation.Tap += loadClickedBuilding;
        over.Content = imagePoiLocation;
        over.PositionOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
        over.GeoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(x.Latitude, x.Longitude);

        return over;

    private MapOverlay CreateClusteredItemPushpin1(ClusteredPoint clusterInfo)
        var x = clusterInfo.Location;
        var poi = new BuildingPoi { Coordinate = x, Buid = _selectedBuild };
        var imagePoiLocation = new Image
            Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Assets/MapPin.png", UriKind.Relative)),
            DataContext = poi

        var over = new MapOverlay();

        imagePoiLocation.Tap += loadClickedBuilding;
        over.Content = imagePoiLocation;
        over.PositionOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
        over.GeoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(x.Latitude, x.Longitude);

        return over;

由于他们没有任何可直接引用的 nuget 包或 dll,您需要下载特定 class 的 source code,例如 ClusteringLayer & PushPin将相关的 .cs 文件或项目本身添加到您的机器,并在您的 windows phone 项目中添加该项目的引用以获取 ClusteringLayerPushPin classes .

请参阅以下 ClusteringLayer class 的屏幕截图。对于其他classes,只需将解决方案导入visual studio,您将看到所有classes 的源代码。顺便说一句,ClusteringLayer 构造函数在集群中至少需要一个参数。
