我们如何在 google colab 中使用麦克风?
How can we use microphone in google colab?
OSError Traceback(最后一次调用)
<ipython-input-21-4159a88154c9> in <module>()
7 response = google_images_download.googleimagesdownload()
8 r = sr.Recognizer()
----> 9 with sr.Microphone() as source:
10 print("Say something!")
11 audio = r.listen(source)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/speech_recognition/init.py in init(self, device_index, sample_rate, chunk_size)
84 assert 0 <= device_index < count, "Device index out of range ({} devices available; device index should be between 0 and {} inclusive)".format(count, count - 1)
85 if sample_rate is None: # automatically set the sample rate to the hardware's default sample rate if not specified
---> 86 device_info = audio.get_device_inf o_by_index(device_index) if device_index is not None else audio.get_default_input_device_info()
87 assert isinstance(device_info.get("defaultSampleRate"), (float, int)) and device_info["defaultSampleRate"] > 0, "Invalid device info returned from PyAudio: {}".format(device_info)
88 sample_rate = int(device_info["defaultSampleRate"])
您上面链接的代码段试图访问 Python 中的麦克风。这行不通,因为没有麦克风连接到在 Colab 中执行 Python 代码的虚拟机。
相反,您想访问计算机的麦克风 运行 Web 浏览器。然后,在那里抓取数据,传回虚拟机处理Python.
OSError Traceback(最后一次调用)
<ipython-input-21-4159a88154c9> in <module>()
7 response = google_images_download.googleimagesdownload()
8 r = sr.Recognizer()
----> 9 with sr.Microphone() as source:
10 print("Say something!")
11 audio = r.listen(source)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/speech_recognition/init.py in init(self, device_index, sample_rate, chunk_size)
84 assert 0 <= device_index < count, "Device index out of range ({} devices available; device index should be between 0 and {} inclusive)".format(count, count - 1)
85 if sample_rate is None: # automatically set the sample rate to the hardware's default sample rate if not specified
---> 86 device_info = audio.get_device_inf o_by_index(device_index) if device_index is not None else audio.get_default_input_device_info()
87 assert isinstance(device_info.get("defaultSampleRate"), (float, int)) and device_info["defaultSampleRate"] > 0, "Invalid device info returned from PyAudio: {}".format(device_info)
88 sample_rate = int(device_info["defaultSampleRate"])
您上面链接的代码段试图访问 Python 中的麦克风。这行不通,因为没有麦克风连接到在 Colab 中执行 Python 代码的虚拟机。
相反,您想访问计算机的麦克风 运行 Web 浏览器。然后,在那里抓取数据,传回虚拟机处理Python.