Elasticsearch:新 Java API 版本中的 IndicesQuery

Elasticsearch: IndicesQuery in new Java API versions


IllegalStateException[[nested] failed to find nested object under path [nestedItems]]; ]

基本上与描述的错误相同in this question. There the answer suggest that I should use the indices query. I was able to find method QueryBuilders.indicesQuery(...) in the Java API 5.0 docs

但是,indices 查询在 5.0 中已弃用,说明:

Deprecated in 5.0.0. Search on the _index field instead.

我找不到在当前 API (7.0) 中使用 _index 字段的方法。如何从 Java 使用它?

已解决:原来 nested 查询具有属性 ignore_unmapped,应将其设置为 true。