检查是否添加了新的 Woocommerce 属性

Check if a new Woocommerce attribute is being added

如何检查是否添加了新的 Woocommerce 属性? 每当添加属性时,我都需要编辑 slug

您将使用woocommerce_attribute_added action hook located in wc_create_attribute()函数,即添加新产品属性时触发。您将能够像本例中那样获得属性 slug:

 * Attribute added (hook).
 * @param int   $id   Added attribute ID.
 * @param array $data Attribute data.
add_action( 'woocommerce_attribute_added', 'attribute_added_action_callback', 10, 2 );
function attribute_added_action_callback( $id, $data ) {

    $attribute_name = $data['attribute_label']; // <== The name
    $attribute_slug  = $data['attribute_name']; // <== The slug

如果您需要更新属性数据,请按照 wc_create_attribute() function (that uses WordPress WPDB class and methods), looking to its source code 中的方法进行操作。