包含具有无效位置的 NodeRef 的方式

Way containing NodeRefs with invalid location

我正在解析 mayotte pbf with osmium, and my handler is looking for ways. When I find one I process its barycentre and print it. The issue I ran into is that all of the ways I process have invalid location。如果打印位置,我会得到纬度和经度的 undefined

我的 PBF 文件或我对 osmium library 的理解有问题吗?

这是一个 mcve:

 * To compile this script, you should first install `libosmium` and its
 * dependencies. Then:
 *   g++ -std=c++11 -lz -lexpat -lbz2 mcve.cpp -o mcve
#include <iostream>

#include <osmium/handler.hpp>
#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
#include <osmium/osm/node.hpp>
#include <osmium/osm/way.hpp>
#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>

class ParkingAndCarpoolingAreasHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
    void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
      double lng;
      double lat;
      double count = 0.0;
      for (const osmium::NodeRef& nr : way.nodes()) {
          if (!nr.location().valid()) {
            std::cerr << "Way (id=" << way.id()
                      << " version=" << way.version()
                      << " timestamp=" << way.timestamp()
                      << " visible=" << (way.visible() ? "true" : "false")
                      << " changeset=" << way.changeset()
                      << " uid=" << way.uid()
                      << " user=" << way.user() << ")\n";
            std::cerr << "NodeRef (ref=" << nr.ref() << " location=" << nr.location() << ")\n";
            std::cerr << std::endl;
          lng += nr.location().lon();
          lat += nr.location().lat();
      lng /= count;
      lat /= count;
      std::cout << "POINT(" << lat << ' ' << lng << ")\n";

int main() {
    auto otypes = osmium::osm_entity_bits::node | osmium::osm_entity_bits::way;
    osmium::io::Reader reader{"tmp/mayotte-latest.osm.pbf", otypes};
    ParkingAndCarpoolingAreasHandler handler;
    osmium::apply(reader, handler);

在 OSM 中,一种方式通常只存储对它所包含的节点的引用。这些引用仅包含节点 ID,但不包含其他信息(例如坐标和标签)。要获得节点坐标,您必须查看实际节点,而不仅仅是它们的参考。

有关详细信息,请参阅 OSM XML and PBF Format

由于我没有使用 osmium 的经验,所以我无法告诉您如何通过 ID 检索相应的节点。但是根据 Osmium Concepts Manual you can use a NodeLocationsForWays handler to populate your NodeRef objects with locations. examples/osmium_road_length.cpp 包含一个示例。