
A call to a generic function (with constraints implemented with an interface) produces an error about missing constraints. What do I fail to see?

我想在我的泛型 class 中做一些算术加法,但有一些限制。为简洁起见,假设只有一个名为 Value.

的 public 成员
Public MustInherit Class GenericInterval(Of T As {Structure, IComparable})
    Public Value As T

    '(1) filled in below
End Class


Public Interface IAddable(Of U As {Structure, IComparable})
    Function Add(a As U, b As U) As U
End Interface

Public Structure Int64Calculator
    Implements IAddable(Of Int64)

    Public Function Add(ByVal a As Int64, ByVal b As Int64) As Int64 _
        Implements IAddable(Of Int64).Add
        Return a + b
    End Function
End Structure

这使我能够在上面标记 (1) 的位置的 class 中创建一个函数。有一些限制,但据我所知,我认为我做对了。 New on C 是必需的,否则 As C = New C() 是不可能的。

Public MustInherit Class GenericInterval(Of T As {Structure, IComparable})
    Public Value As T

    '(2) filled in below

    Private Function Add(Of U As {Structure, IComparable},
                            C As {IAddable(Of U), New}) _
                        (ByVal a As U, ByVal b As U) As U

        Dim calc As C = New C()
        Return calc.Add(a, b)
    End Function
End Class


Public MustInherit Class GenericInterval(Of T As {Structure, IComparable})
    Public Value As T

    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Const HASHPRIME_1 As Int64 = 4294967291    '32 bits.
        Dim lCompHash As Int64          'Partial hash for actual component.

        lCompHash = Add(Of T, Int64Calculator)(Value, HASHPRIME_1)
    End Function

    '... as above
End Class

但是,VS 报错 BC32044,波浪下划线指的是

Add(Of T, Int64Calculator)

"Type argument 'Int64Calculator' does not inherit from or implement the constraint type 'IAddable(Of T As {Structure, IComparable})'".

只是我认为结构 Int64Calculator 确实通过 Implements IAddable(Of Int64).



第 1 部分:
正如@Gserg 评论的那样:
GenericInterval 不强制 T 为 Int64。所以在测试Int64Calculator有效性的时候,需要把任何T都当作{Structure, IComparable}来处理,而不仅仅是Int64。您可以使用 lCompHash = Me.Add(Of Int64, Int64Calculator)(Me.Value, HASHPRIME_1) 修复该问题,但随后您会遇到另一个关于 Me.Value 不一定可转换为 Int64.


第 2 部分:
对于基于某些属性认为对象相等的情况,实现 GetHashCode 的最简单方法是使用 Tuple.Create(x,y).GetHashCode()

例如,如果您认为具有相同 NamePhoneNumber 属性的属性相等,则以下代码将 return 一个可用的 HashCode。

public override int GetHashCode() { return Tuple.Create(Name, PhoneNumber).GetHashCode(); }