CASE WHEN - LIKE - Hadoop Hive 中的 REGEXP

CASE WHEN - LIKE - REGEXP in Hadoop Hive

我想使用 CASE WHEN、LIKE 和正则表达式在配置单元 Table 中编写查询。我使用了 regexprlike,但我没有得到想要的结果。到目前为止,我的尝试如下

    select distinct ending from
(select date, ending, name, count(distinct id) 
from (select CONCAT_WS("/",year,month,day,hour) as date, id, name,
case when type = 'TRAN' then 'tran'
when events regexp '%[:]no_reply[:]%[^o][^n][:]incomplete[:]%' and type rlike '%HUP' then 'con'
when events not regexp '%[:]no_reply[:]%[^o][^n][:]incomplete[:]%' and type rlike '%HUP'  then 'aban'
else 'other'
end as ending
from data_struct1) tmp
group by date, ending, name) tmp2;


select distinct ending from
    (select date, ending, name, count(distinct id) 
    from (select CONCAT_WS("/",year,month,day,hour) as date, id, name,
    case when type = 'TRAN' then 'tran'
    when events rlike '%[:]no_reply[:]%[^o][^n][:]incomplete[:]%' and type rlike '%HUP' then 'con'
    when events not rlike '%[:]no_reply[:]%[^o][^n][:]incomplete[:]%' and type rlike '%HUP'  then 'aban'
    else 'other'
    end as ending
    from data_struct1) tmp
    group by date, ending, name) tmp2;

两个查询 return 不正确的结果(不是语法错误,只是结果不正确)。


select 'opencase_2,initial_state:inquiry,inquiry:no_reply:initial_state:incomplete::,inquiry:reask:secondary_state:complete::' regexp 'no_reply:[^:]+:incomplete';


这也是错误的:rlike '%HUP'。它应该像这样 '.*HUP$' (在字符串的末尾)或者简单地 'HUP' 如果 HUP 位于何处无关紧要:在字符串的中间或末尾或开头

rlikeregexp 在您的查询中工作相同,最好使用相同的运算符:仅 regexp 或 rlike。这两个是同义词。
