预期有 3 个类型参数但得到 1 个但它应该推断出 2 种类型

Expected 3 type arguments but got 1 but it should infer 2 types



interface ISome {
    a: string;
    b?: {
        c: string;


function pathBuilder<
    K1 extends keyof ISome,
    K2 extends keyof NonNullable<ISome[K1]>>(p: K1, p2?: K2) {
    let res = String(p);
    if (p2) { res += "." + p2; }
    return res;

const pathTest = pathBuilder("b", "c"); // ---> "b.c" and intellisense works on parameters



function pathBuilder<
    K1 extends keyof T,
    K2 extends keyof NonNullable<T[K1]>>(p: K1, p2?: K2) {
    let res = String(p);
    if (p2) { res += "." + p2; }
    return res;

const pathTest = pathBuilder<ISome>("b", "c"); // ERROR: Expected 3 type arguments, but got 1.ts(2558)

似乎函数的第二个和第三个模板参数不是从第一个模板参数推断出来的,但它应该是因为在第一种情况下,当我直接指定类型 T=ISome 时它起作用了。




function pathBuilder<T>() {
    return <
        K1 extends keyof T,
        K2 extends keyof NonNullable<T[K1]>>(p: K1, p2?: K2) => {
        let res = String(p);
        if (p2) { res += "." + p2; }
        return res;

const pathTest = pathBuilder<ISome>()("b", "c");

从 TS3.4 开始,没有 partial type parameter inference. Either you let the compiler try to infer all the type parameters, or you specify all the type parameters. (Well, there are default type parameters but that doesn't give you what you want: you want to infer the type parameters you leave out, not assign a default type to them). There have been several proposals to address this, but so far none have met with full approval

因此,目前只有解决方法。我能想到的两个是使用虚拟函数参数或使用 currying.


function pathBuilderDummy<
    K1 extends keyof T,
    K2 extends keyof NonNullable<T[K1]>>(dummy: T, p: K1, p2?: K2) {
    let res = String(p);
    if (p2) { res += "." + p2; }
    return res;

const pathDummyTest = pathBuilderDummy(null! as ISome, "b", "c");

这里我们正在做你说你不想做的事情...传入一个类型为 T 的参数。但由于它只是一个虚拟参数并且不在运行时使用,所以它只与类型系统认为它是什么有关。您传入的值的实际类型并不重要。所以你可以只传递它 null 并使用 type assertion 选择 T


const pathBuilderCurry =
    <T>() => <
        K1 extends keyof T,
        K2 extends keyof NonNullable<T[K1]>>(p: K1, p2?: K2) => {
        let res = String(p);
        if (p2) { res += "." + p2; }
        return res;

const pathCurryTest = pathBuilderCurry<ISome>()("b", "c")

此处您返回一个函数,returns 另一个函数。第一个函数不接受任何值参数,但它接受您要指定的一个类型参数。然后它 returns 指定了 T 但推断其他类型参数的函数。
