
Same critical section being called in function and subfunction


使用 Windbg(Visual Studio 无法正确处理调用堆栈)我发现一个函数 (ClassName::F()) 正在恢复。该函数使用一个临界区并调用一个子函数(ClassName::f_sub()),子函数调用相同的临界区,简而言之:

int ClassName::f_sub(){
  return ...;

int ClassName::F() {
  int temp = f_sub();
  return ...;

每次都使用相同的临界区 m_csClassName 的 属性)。


Thread 1 : F()     : Enter the critical section. (Thread 1 is in)
Thread 1 : f_sub() : Enter the critical section. (Thread 1 is in)
Thread 1 : f_sub() : Leave the critical section. (Thread 1 is out)
Thread 2 : F()     : Enter the critical section. (Thread 2 is in) 

=> WRONG! Thread 2 should be forced to wait for Thread 1 leaving the critical section via F().


Is my analysis correct and does this mean that it's advised to have different critical sections for main and sub functions?

来自 Microsoft Docs(强调我的):

After a thread has ownership of a critical section, it can make additional calls to EnterCriticalSection or TryEnterCriticalSection without blocking its execution. This prevents a thread from deadlocking itself while waiting for a critical section that it already owns. The thread enters the critical section each time EnterCriticalSection and TryEnterCriticalSection succeed. A thread must call LeaveCriticalSection once for each time that it entered the critical section.
