如何将 jQuery removeClass 转换成 ReactJS 方式?

How to convert jQuery removeClass into ReactJS way?

当我单击带有 id=#golden-records-pane-address 的列时,我想取消隐藏同一列中的文本框。理想情况下,如果我单击其他地方,这些文本框将再次隐藏。我通过使用一段 jQuery 代码实现了前者。我相信在 ReactJS 中实现这一点会更清晰。我了解如何使用状态,但不确定如何在此处执行此操作。

var SearchResult = React.createClass({
render: function () {
       // The following shall be removed and turned into React
       $(document).on('click', '#golden-records-pane-address', function(){
        }); // End of jquery
     return (
                            <tr id="golden-records-pane">
                                <td id="golden-records-pane-address">

                                    <div id="golden-records-pane-address__inputs" className="hidden">
                                        <input type="text" className="[ form-control ]" placeholder="Address line 1" />
                                        <input type="text" className="[ form-control ]" placeholder="Address line 2" />
                                        <input type="text" className="[ form-control ]" placeholder="City" />
                                        <input type="text" className="[ form-control ]" placeholder="Postcode" />


var SearchResult = React.createClass({
    onAddressClicked: function () {
            show_address_details: true
render: function () {
    var cx_hidden = React.addons.classSet({
                    hidden: (this.state.show_address_details == true),
                    'form-inline': (true)

return ( ...

    <td id="golden-records-pane-address" onclick={this.onAddressClicked.bind(this)}>

                                        <div id="golden-records-pane-address__inputs" className={cx_hidden}>
                                            <input type="text" className="[ form-control ]" placeholder="Address line 1" />
                                            <input type="text" className="[ form-control ]" placeholder="Address line 2" />
                                            <input type="text" className="[ form-control ]" placeholder="City" />
                                            <input type="text" className="[ form-control ]" placeholder="Postcode" />

您的状态变量有点令人困惑:当 show_address_detailstrue 时,您添加 hidden class。对我来说更直观的是将它与 false.



var SearchResult = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return { show_address_details: false };