Microsoft bot framework-Skype for business 不支持按钮和卡片。有没有其他方法可以在 Skype for business 中完成它

Microsoft bot framework-Skype for business is not supporting Buttons & Cards. Is there any alternative way to get it done in Skype for business

Microsoft bot 框架-Skype for business 不支持按钮和卡片。有没有其他方法可以在 Skype for business 中完成它。


Skype for Business 不支持渲染卡片和按钮。机器人发送的卡片和按钮将回退到 Skype for Business 客户端中的文本。根据支持卡片和按钮的 official documentation, Skype for Business channel is being deprecated on the Bot Framework. I would suggest you to develop your bot for Microsoft Teams