
How to use numerical methods to approximate the solution of an integral


C_3 可以用三角函数计算。那么你可以这样解决:

import sympy as sp
t = sp.symbols('t')
sp.Integral((1-sp.cos(t)-sp.sin(t))**2 * sp.exp(1-sp.cos(t)-sp.sin(t)) * (sp.sin(t)-sp.cos(t)), (t, 0, 2*sp.pi))

问题是 C_1 和 C_2。这些不能用技巧来评估。那我就得用数值方法了

你有什么建议? 我一直在尝试 N() 但一无所获。



from scipy.integrate import quad
from numpy import cos, sin, exp, pi

f1 = lambda t: (1 + sin(t))*exp(1+cos(t))*(-sin(t))
f2 = lambda t: ((1 + cos(t))**2 + exp(1+cos(t)))*cos(t)

C1, err1 = quad(f1, 0, 2*pi)
C2, err2 = quad(f2, 0, 2*pi)

print("C1 = ", C1, ", estimated error: ", err1)
print("C2 = ", C2, ", estimated error: ", err2)


C1 =  -9.652617083240306, estimated error:  2.549444932020608e-09
C2 =  15.93580239041989, estimated error:  3.4140955340600243e-10

编辑: 您还可以通过参数指定精度:epsrel:相对误差,epsabs:绝对误差。但这有点棘手(参见 this): 我们将绝对误差目标指定为零。此条件无法满足,因此相对误差目标将决定积分何时停止。

C1, err1 = quad(f1, 0, 2*pi, epsrel=1e-10, epsabs=0)
print("C1 = ", C1, ", estimated error: ", err1)


C1 =  -9.652617083240308 , estimated error:  1.4186554373311127e-13

备选方案:使用 quadpy(我的一个项目):

import quadpy
from numpy import cos, sin, exp, pi

c1, err1 = quadpy.quad(
    lambda t: (1 + sin(t)) * exp(1 + cos(t)) * (-sin(t)), 0.0, 2 * pi,

c2, err2 = quadpy.quad(
    lambda t: ((1 + cos(t)) ** 2 + exp(1 + cos(t))) * cos(t), 0.0, 2 * pi,

print("C1 = ", c1, ", estimated error: ", err1)
print("C2 = ", c2, ", estimated error: ", err2)
C1 =  -9.652617076333142 , estimated error:  1.3725463615061705e-09
C2 =  15.9358023895608 , estimated error:  6.646678031309946e-11