获取 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException java

getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException java

我的程序使用多线程计算一些东西。我已经测试了它,同时给数组一个硬编码的长度,比如 10,我的程序运行良好。然而,我现在使用 'length' 的方式在这一行上得到一个 "array out of bounds exception":array[i] = Integer.parseInt(splited[i]); 在我得到任何输出并且无法弄清楚原因之前。谁能帮忙?谢谢你。

import java.util.*;

public class Stats {

    static int length;
    static int[] array = new int[length];

    private static class WorkerThread extends Thread 

       //...some stuff with threads 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("Please enter the integers: ");
        String line = keyboard.nextLine();
        //split line by space and store each number as a sting 
        //in a string array
        String[] splited = line.split("\s+");
        //get length of string array of numbers
        length = splited.length;

        //convert string to int and store in int array
        for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
            array[i] = Integer.parseInt(splited[i]);

        //...some stuff with threads


static int length;
static int[] array = new int[length];

在初始化时长度为 0,因此您得到一个大小为 0 的数组 --> 第一次尝试时超出范围。之后更改长度时,这不会动态重新分配新数组。


    length = splited.length;
    array = new int[length];

    //convert string to int and store in int array
    for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
        array[i] = Integer.parseInt(splited[i]);
